Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Good Night

Good Night Sweetheart, Good Night.

Today was a full day. I am no longer teaching Social Studies. For the next two weeks we are on test prep mode. Science, Reading and writing. Tomorrow, a full day of Science. Progress Reports due Friday. Conference on Friday, over night. Saturday I hope to go to the evening event at the church for the sisterhood. I just dont want to be overwhelmed from the conference. Then unity service on Sunday. Early service. These are the days when I need a good plan. A power plan. I have no room for mistakes.Open my eyes Lord and let me see clearly. Let me manuever through the days with ease.

Monday is a holiday. I have to donate that car. I have to change the time. I have something in the morning from 10 until 2pm so its going to have to be sometime between 4pm and 6pm.  Thank God for small favors. Thank you Lord for today. You have blessed me and I will continue to say thank you, thank you , thank you , thank you.

Good Night


Good Morning

Good Morning Lrod. I am working one day at a time to getting back on track. I was good this morning. I woke up and got up when the alarm went off the first time. One of my promises to myself is to try to be on time more often. Today is the first step to that. Today is a corporate fast day and I will fast. Tuesdays are no meat day, Wednesdays are fast day. Thursday is another no meat day. There is a purpose to this. Today's reading again was Daniel in the Lion's Den. There's a message there that is not the obvious one. I hope I get it. This morning Lord we had some real quiet time. Search my heart, know my plans and desires. Lead me. Let my heart speak. I understand that my will can keep me from alot of things. Help me to keep my mind, heart and soul open to you.

Have a blessed day today and be a blessing to someone special.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Good NIght. my day was pretty simple. Nothing spectacular. What is it that keep us going each and every day. Can we find solace in anything. We have to trust in the Lord and rely on Him in our lives. Trust in the Lord.  Have a blessed evening. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Today's sermon was really good. I think this

 is my desert time. I have to spend alone time to really get to where I am suppose to be. Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone special.

Good MOrning

Good Morning Lord. I am here. I will be at church today. I dont want to continue to distance myself. The day to day truobles have a tendancy to take my focus off of you but I want to focus on you. I know that I have lost something very important to me.I want it back. I want to connect again.  Now I wont be at the one event of the series I was eally looking forward to attending. Stay close and dont move. What do I need to give up, refocus on and just renew and find again. Where did it go, where did I go.

...Pour out your heart like the water in the presence of the Lord.- Lamentations 2:19

Saturday, February 24, 2007



Well it looks like my decision not to attend last night has resulted in me not have a ticket for Maya Angelou.

 I thought I could get one today, in the morning and I find that they are all sold out. Not more than fifteen minutes after the rectory opened no less.

Is there not any amount of privilege to being a member? Why didn't the tickets go on sell to the church first?  I guess the desire to sell out and reach the world has happened , and on a very outstanding basis. I hope its is a wonderful event. She will not disappoint, I am sure of that.

I hope that you have a wonderful evening and be blessed.

Friday, February 23, 2007



I am not going to be there tonight. I purchased a ticket but I am not going to make it. Babysitting.

Have an absolutely wonderful evening. I know that she will be a good speaker. She need to tell of her struggles of finding work. Its important for people to know how hard it was for her. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. I have to improve my relationship with you. Working on it will be my key focus. Lord, I know its not easy and I want to be honest and truthful at all times when it comes to my actions. I will continue to pray and pray and pray. I think I know some things but there are so many more to things to learn. Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone special.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Good Night

What is it that you really want?

Speak from your your heart.

Speak the truth.

What can I do for you? How do I fit in your life?

In the natural findings of the world, I have to believe that God has me where I am because there is a need. What is that need? What do you need? What do you really need?

Monday, February 19, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Today is a blessing from you. Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to get things right. I believe in you and I believe that I have more to do. Thank you Lord for your comfort and support.

I pray for my family and friends today. I lift them up in prayer. You know the things going on in their lives and what they need from you to be able to make it through.

Today is errands day. Over to my dads house. Grade papers, grade papers, and grade papers. Wash clothes, grade paper.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone special. Dont let the haters get to you. No matter what.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Good NIght

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. Why you are going to Inverness is a mystery, but none the less God said to preach the word to the captives and I just have to believe that they need a word from you just like we do. I wonder if this is the one in Scotland or in the states? You said this evening so I have to figure it is in Illinois. That is a very affluent community nearing Barrington. Woe to those who only take care of themselves. Thank goodness someone there is concerned about others to invite you. Think on the positive and not the negative. There are too many people with negative garbage that they just want to dump on you. I have been blessed today and anointed. I must remember those less fortunate. I am but a stone's throw away myself sometimes. I will never be someone who cant live without things. Human rights and human responsibility are very important. Material things are not my pleasure. I am a single mother, I am used to being without, I give, so that others can have. I care for others. I am not impressed by glamour and fame. That is something I dont get excited about. I'm not impressed by the fame and money, I want to know what  kind of person you are on the inside. Where is your heart. I prayed so much for you today. I asked God to hear your heart. To give you comfort and hope. You have been and are a humble and anointed man. You are loved by many, many, people. You deserve and require some love and happiness in your live. But I know that sacrifice is the thing that is required and I pray that the cost is not too great.. You have a wonderful ability to understand and reach people. You give so much of yourself. I pray for good things in your life. I pray for you to find happiness and be content. I don't imagine that means much to you. I would like for you to have contentment and love in your life. To have a sense of peace and love. Contentment where you are happy with someone special. You know lots of very important people, many who are very special and very influential in the world. You can choose anyone you want, you are privileged to have anyone you want. I believe that you can make your future how you want it to be. You have wonderful visionary plans and people who can help make them happen. Why am I going on so about your prospects and your future, I don't know. Just thinking. Well,have a good night and be blessed. I hope that you travelled safely and were greeted well. I know that they will love you and welcome you. Tonight will not be as bad as you thought it would be. Be blessed and be a true blessing to someone very special. Good night.

Good MOrning


The Peace of the Lord is With Me. I desire to stay faithful and always be with you Lord. The faith and the patience that is required is what I need from within. My heart longs to stay faithful and to find the peace that comes from that. I know that it seems as if others are doing better and receiving more rewards than me, but if I continue to press on, continue to not beat myself up over those things, I will see a light at the end of this tunnel. My outlook on my situation is my worst distraction. My struggles seem minute compared to the world. My concerns and desires are minor, but I am important and I have made it this far with the grace and mercy of God so I must have something to do for the Lord that is not yet finished. So I have faith, I walk with faith, and I come to God with faith. Let me keep the faith, the patience and the courage to press on Lord. Let your peace rest on me today and always. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him... Psalm 37:7

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Good Night. See you tomorrow.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Good Night

Hello old friend.

Once again we meet in our old familiar place. This is the watering hole for us, the point where we meet. Tonight our speaker was candid and very thought provoking. We have so much history and so much ahead of us. Have a good night and be blessed. You have brouhgt yet another great speaker to enrich our minds and to keep us constantly asking the question, what can I do to make this world better. Thank you Lord for keeping me here one more day to try to get things right. Good Night.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Good Night

Initiation Liberia


How was your day?

Mine was OK.

It has been a long day and I am just now able to relax at home.

It is so cold outside. We went over to my dad's this evening to check the p.o. box and check the building. The snow was removed and the building is ok.

I have to prepare for tomorrow. We are preparing a presentation on the abolition movement with Fredrick Douglass and William Garrison. I also have to collect president projects from about 60 children to grade over the weekend. Somehow I dont think I will get 60 of them tomorrow. Thank God for Friday.

Good Night, be blessed., and be a blessing to someone very special.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Good Night


Well I went home. You told me to go home. I was really considering going to bible study, snow and all, but  I thought the travel times would have been so high. I left school at 5pm and I got home around 6:15. Not to shabby for a major storm. We just continued to go 30 mph, kept our distance and the traffic was fine. I prayed all the way home. Prayers prepare us for change which can be very uncomfortable. If we are willing to work our selves through the discomfort then we can allow God to work on us and lead us to a more developed self. Our defense mechanismhave to become lowered and God helps us to lower them. God heals our brokenness, and becomes our defense and our vindication. Trust in God, he will lead us to victory, his way.

Have a blessed evening and it was nice talking to you today.

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.  Philippians 2:12

Monday, February 12, 2007

Good Afternoon

Chicago - Snow in Chicago


What a good day yesterday was. I got a chnce to hear a very prolific speaker in the African American community. I will not just limit him to the AA community, He is a very diverse speaker and welcome in any community. Dr.Cornel West, Maya Angelo, The Lost Boys, Winnie Mandela, Cicely Tyson and Harry Belafonte have the opportunity to enrich our lives and challenge the old as well as the young. If we are still here, then we have something to do for the Lord and for each other. Wr have to love one another and care for each other.I have taught my children the basic history of our world. It was good to hear that history portrayed on the economic level. I continue to tell my children it was an economic thing, not a personal thing. The colonist were not prepared to have to work so hard to survive. Many initial colonies did not survive. Once they began to figure it out servansts were very important to ensure survival. How will the children move forward. Economic and political representation that reflects a true concern for consumers. Not the cheapest quality, and not always trying to get over on somebody. Spend your money with people who care about your concerns. Care about each other. Love each other.Make a  difference in someone else's life. I have tussled with this eight month old long enough. I have to type with one hand while fending him off the keyboard, Time to go to his website, pbskids. Have a blessed evening. Get ready for the snow.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Good MOrning

Good MOrning Good Morning Good Morning

This is the first Sunday morning in a long time that I have made an entry. I know that God is working on me and continues to find me valuable and worthwhile. This morning I have been working on purity and hearing the call of God. The conversion of Saul on the road to Damacus was my reading this morning but it was a differnet kind of revelation. We have to have enough word in us to be able to fight trouble when it comes our way. When we repent from our sins we have to be as adament about our recovery or purity as we were about our sin. Know the word and have enough of in you to attack the force that will come against you.. The call of God is upon us. We must answer that call and know that the Lord our God is with us.

I have to get ready to go now, I want to get a good seat since I am alone today. Yeah!!!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Good Night

Sometimes I have to fight very hard to keep my promise but I will always try.

Its important to help others and to help yourself. I watched some of the black state of the union on c-span today. Again I was surprised to see that it wasnt on BET or TVONE. I imagine both of those channels will show a condensed version later in the month. I remember this happening last year too. If we cant be aware of the important events among black people then who will. Lets not trivialize the message, even if the event was long.

Tomorrow I will be without baby!!! Lets shout it from the mountain tops!!!

Have a good night and be blessed.

Good MOrning

We may not have the first black candidate to run but we have one who is a good possibility of actually making it.

Well its still morning and I am here. What ever happened that I cant seem to get here in the mornings. Could it be family life. Can two people really disrupt a life like that.? I guess they can. I am trying to hold on to my life. My dreams and my ambitions. I have been thinking of a new business. I will develop it more.

Hav ea blessed day today. I will talk with you later today.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Good Night

I started this over an hour ago. I am just now able to get back to the journal. That youngun' is a handful. His mommy is home now so I have a break. I thought about going to Springfield in the morning but I'm not. I'll watch it on the news. I think its so good that he continues to not be reduced to talking about race only. Its not just a black man running for the presidency but its a young idealist man. That will continue to set him apart. I am tired now so I am going to bed. I will talk more in the morning. Yes, I will be here in the morning. Good Night.

Good MOrning

Good Morning Lord. Today I am so grateful. Grateful that You made me realize that for all my mess you love me with an insurmountable love. Love that emcompasses more than I could ever imagine. I have been blessed with grace and love. Grace that I can never imagine. God when I think I have done so wrong you forgive me more than I forgive myself. I am harder on myself than anyone ever could be. You have shown me that I need to lighten up and rely on you, trust in you and depend on you. Your grace is sufficient for me. Thank you God for loving me. I love you.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Good Night

Today is a day of hope. I thank God that I have hope. I can still hope. I can still pray for others and I can hope for my self. I know that God loves me. I just have to trust in God. Easier said than done. I know that my life is a mixture of my decisions and the unfortunate twist and turns of life. The important thing to remember is that we are never alone and that the doors open for a reason and they close for a reason. Ultimately we go down God's path if we believe. I continue to confess that I believe and that I have faith. Even if it seems like a mustard seed, I have faith.

Sometimes when we pray for others our healing comes. Praying for others who are dealing with the death of someone close to them is very hard. Dealing with someone who had a long sickness or a very sudden death can be very hard. Finding peace is very difficult.Sometimes our joy goes away. We are in the same world but we cant understand how we are going to make it without that person. Everything seems so different even though it seems the same. Compassion and empathy are important.Have a good night and be blessed. Everything is going to work out just fine.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Good MOrning

Good Morning Lord. Today is a busy day. I am  praying that everything that needs to be done today is done and done correctly. I am taking a personal day and I have been given an opportunity to go with my father to the doctor. He is moving slowly and I want him to know that I have patience. My Father in heaven is moving slowly and I also want him to know I have patience. I'm waiting, and waiting and waiting.The good thing is I know the wait will be over soon. My attitude during the wait is what's most important. I'm not irritable, or impatient. I don't have an attitude, I'm just making use of my time. I am not judging anyone about anything. My goal is to encourage and pray for a very timely outcome and a very efficient and accurate conclusion. Today, I don't mind waiting. I wait with the Lord on my side. I speak the truth from my heart. I believe that when I am not happy or content, I let you know. I don't hide it or try to cover it up. I want to seek you first Lord, my desire is to please you and to do that I have to be honest with my feelings. Sometimes they seem all over the place and I cant pinpoint them, other times they are very focused and I know just what I need to do. Show me what I need to do Lord. Keep me focused on the right things. Sometimes when things get hard or difficult I wonder is this the Lord or am I doing something without the Lord. Do I truly know the difference? Am I capable of making that decision? That's when I say I trust you Lord to guide me and to keep me in the right place at the right time. everything might not turn out the way I want it but I will try to remove any factor that I think I can change it, improve it or do anything with it. If I can fix it alone then the divine tension is not there and then its not the Lord. Respect, Dignity and Honor. Thank You Lord for just letting me get some things down that may not make sense but are essential to my growth. I know that this is important communication and it must be done everyday. I need this, you need this. I realize that this is the only thing that I do right now to communicate with you. I cant lose that. I love the Lord. He heard my cry.  Have an absolutely blessed day today. May all your plans unfold without any problems and may your heart have good intentions for everyone that you encounter today. You are doing a good job and your are working very hard. Never doubt that. Keep up the good work. Keep a song in your heart and always think outside the box. Have a blessed day today. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today.

Monday, February 5, 2007


Doesnt it seem that the thing we want most is the hardest to get? Wouldnt it be nice to have a conversation where I am communicating with you and you are communicating with me and the whole thing is just flowing like water down a hill. There is something about a relationship that you notice a natural flow. Its not complicated, rushed or pushed, it just flows. I want to talk to you like that. Its amazing to me that we both say we want each other, we are in like with each other (I cant say love until we are speaking again on a natural level, how can we say we love each other and we dont even talk) My thing for this nmonth is how can we say we love each other and we dont talk. We cannot keep this going without some verbal communication between each other. I thought I could do this and make it better but it is not better. What can we do? How do we make this better. There has to be some verbal communication. We dont have to sleep together, we dont have to date, we dont have to kiss, we have to talk to each other. That's all, just talk to each other. Isnt that important? I think I have relied on this journal to be my communicator and I resent that. You have a better relationship with me here than you do in person. That cant be right.I know I am to blame and I want to fix that. Help me fix that. Help me talk to you. Give me 60 seconds. Count it down if you have to, but pause, with me, even if its silence, pause with me. Pause.

Three Elements of Effective Verbal Communication

Communication does not take place unless the following three components are present – listening, talking, and self-control. These three components are pointed out in James 1:19 -- Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

Little or no communication takes place unless someone listens and someone speaks! If you talk and no one is listening, there is no communication. If you listen and no one is willing to talk there is no communication. But that’s not all. There can be talking and listening but when anger enters the picture, effective communication ceases! Effective communication only takes place when there is listening and talking in the context of self-control. (See Acts 7:51-60).

In summary, there are three elements in effective communication – listening, talking, and self-control.

The Five Steps to Peace

1. I acknowledge that some of my old beliefs about God and about life are no longer working.

2. I acknowledge that there is something I do not understand about God and about Life, the understanding of which could change everything.

3. I am willing for new understandings of God and Life to now be brought forth, understandings that could produce a new way of life on this planet.

4. I am willing to explore and examine these new understandings and, if they align with my inner truth and knowing, to enlarge my belief system to include them.

5. I am willing to live my life as a demonstration of my beliefs.

Source: The New Revelations a book by Neale Donald Walsch - Author of the Conversations with God book series.

Communicating with God, not just to Him.

True communication is a close, personal exchange - a dialogue. As with any other relationship, it implies listening, hearing, receiving. Most of us are good at communicating to God, but learning to listen, hear and receive is a skill that must be developed. Hearing and receiving from God makes it possible for us to become decision-discerners instead of just decision-makers.  We offer practical ways of learning to communicate with God and not just to Him so that a personal relationship with a perfect, loving, heavenly Father can be experienced

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Good NIght

Well the excitement is over. Now we can move on to next year's season. The Bears had a lot of pressure and the pressure got to them. It was great that they were even there. I'm proud of them anyway.

I am proud of you also. You continue to reach deep into the very essence of the problem. The fact that we are constantly challenged in our everyday life is  a constant thing. You will hav elots of challenges this week coordinating the many events and people planning to enhance our sanctuary. We are forever grateful that you continue to bring talented people to touchour lives and stretch our minds. We must never take for granted the work that you and your staff do to educate us on the lives of so many wonderful people. Often times it looks easy but that's just the magnificent way you and your staff are able to pull it off. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as usual. I pray that you have peace and that the flow of events are seamless. You will have very little mishaps and the connections and interactions will show a flowing and steady nature. Peace will be with you for the rest of this week. May God bless you with good organizational skills and the ability to find even the smallest detail that needs attention to make this an excellent event. Have a good evening and be blessed.

Saturday, February 3, 2007


Today was so cold. I went to the car to help bring in groceries and the cold was excruciating. I will be so glad when this cold spell is over.

I cant believe I am sitting here wondering what to write.Yesterday I found out the science thing was for the region and not citywide. Now she has to compete city wide. The science teacher is working with her regularly. I hope she wins. We had a presentation of the MLK Project yesterday and it was very interesting. A one woman show depicting different people who were involved in the civil rights movement. Some know and some not so known. It included African Americans, Jewish Americans, Italian Americans, Latino and elderly. The children were also able to ask question and interact with the performers. That evening I went to the sisterhood event.Austin and I. We talked about obedience. The need to be cognizant of each other's needs. The ability to be our sister's keeper. We need to not only be able to protect other people but to put them in check when they need it. Are we really able to see the flaws in others and still be a positive force. Can we begin to correct our inability to think clearly sometimes. I know that I have to keep my mind focused on the things of God. I have to go now. Baby stuff.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Thank you for this day today. I am blessed and highly favored to have another day on this earth. My cup runneth over. I get to praise you yet again. Give praise and thanks to the Lord daily for his mercy endures forever. I need your tender mercies each and every day. Father God. I pray for mercy and forgiveness. Forgive me Lord for all of my mistakes, even the ones I didnt know I made. Whatever I didnt recognize that was wrong and what I may still continue to do as wrong. Forgive me, guide me, enlighten me. Knowledge is power. Lord as you take us into this black history month, keep our minds focused on your will. Surround us with the things of God. Place the right things in our path and keep us thirsty ofr you Lord.

Today is Bears Day. We get to wear Bears stuff. GO BEARS. I am ready for this game to be over and done with. May you have a wonderful day today and my all of your request be done swiftly. May all your phone calls be answered appropriately. May all negative remarks not be directed at you. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone special.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Good NIght

Praise the Lord. Cast your cares on the water. Send out your skills, education, knowledge, strengths and weaknesses into the world. Let the Lord guide you and keep you under his umbrella. When do you know if the difficulty is God challenging you or you are pushing against a brick wall. Have faith. Trust in the Lord. Touch me again. Touch my heart. Touch my mind. Touch my soul. Touch me. I want my hug. I demand my hug. Ineed my embrace. Wrap me in your loving arms and let me know you care. God Cares.For Me. Have a good night and be blessed.

A Time for Everything

 1 There is a time for everything,
       and a season for every activity under heaven:

 2 a time to be born and a time to die,
       a time to plant and a time to uproot,

 3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
       a time to tear down and a time to build,

 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
       a time to mourn and a time to dance,

 5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
       a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

 6 a time to search and a time to give up,
       a time to keep and a time to throw away,

 7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
       a time to be silent and a time to speak,

 8 a time to love and a time to hate,
       a time for war and a time for peace.

Our time will come too. God is counting the numbers. he just hasnt reached mine yet.