Saturday, May 31, 2008

Create Your Day In Advance

Create your day in advance. Imagine our day being the perfect day.  You have the power to create the events of your day. You can have a good day and not fear screwing it up. You are recovering from surgery. It may have been outpatient and you went home but it was still surgery. Take it easy. You are very important to many people and that includes me. Plan for your day. Plan to be the best that you can be. Use restraint and remember that you are more important than any political campaign or election.

Friday, May 30, 2008

I ask God to mold my values and positions so that they are in tune with God.

Since when cant we mock candidates and political figures?

I am agreeable with so many things.

I hope that all is well with the surgery. I heard about it on the news. They are sometimes the best source that I have.

I pray that you are healing well.

I hope that you are praying and staying reflective.

I have had a long day today. We had our ribbon pinning ceremony after school.

Tomorrow our meeting for lectors and commentators. Its at the Umojo house and I dont know where that is. I'll call in the morning.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someoe.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Full of Spirit and Wisdom

Wow, the mood list has really expanded, and even with all of the new choices I was unable to find and inspirational one more encouraging than hopeful. I will stay hopeful.

I listened to the sermon on Sunday and I didn't find one lie in what you said. I don't even think you exaggerated the truth. The problem is that people don't want the pulpit to have a voice. They have taken any remarks made by the clergy, whether democratic or republican, to mean that its divisive and detrimental to the fabric of our country. He cant play the race card in any way and she gets to play it over and over and over again. But we aren't suppose to notice that. All of the candidates have denounced any religion or even an association with Christianity. What will the outcome of this race really produce? What is it producing now. Censorship in the church. No one can have an opinion against the government anymore. We are in deep recession. Gas prices are four times the amount that I remember them to be. Food cost are rising daily. Salaries are staying the same. We aren't suppose to complain or even notice that we cant afford to get to work.

I heard that you are now going to hear a response from the archdiocese tomorrow. I'm still wondering what the problem is. Land of the free and home of the brave. Where exactly is that place. These times make me want to know God better. A man full of God's grace and power and wisdom. Opposition all around him but his wisdom and wit continue to confuse and amuse them. Keep the faith baby. Know that you are a man of the truth. Keep your cool and keep your head down until January. We have a long road to tow and any and everything that can put a black mark (no pun intended) on this campaign will detract from the real goal. Let this man become president without having to distance himself from every friend, mentor and pastor that has influenced him thus far. Have a blessed evening. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ask, Believe and Recieve


Get a clear Idea of what I want to be. Have a picture in my mind of what I will look like when I become that perfect me.


Believe that I will receive and that what I BELIEVE IS ALREADY MINE. See myself there in my thoughts and words and actions.



I must feel good about myself. I must attract the good that I want. Think perfect thoughts about myself and I will attract the perfect things around  me.

The final thing is always "How Long Does it Take?"

It takes as long as it takes me to get to the place of believing, knowing and feeling that I already have it. I want it to be effortless.

I want to attract the good things to me. I want to think positive. My mind is focused on the good and positive things in life.

I see myself talking to you. I see us having a good time. I see myself happy.

I have been counting down the days.

12 days until the end of school.

1 more class until my Wednesday night Materials Science class is over.

Two weeks until I begin my water aerobics again.

I have no desire to do any surveys.

I have gotten calls to do phone surveys and I am not going to do them. People constantly want to know why you think the way you think. Why did you purchase this, why did you vote this way. Can we take up some of your time and ask you some questions.

We have been practicing for ribbon pinning and passing of the candle. That will take place Friday.  Next week is the luncheon, the the Monday following is graduation. I cant wait until its over. We have had a long year and its time to celebrate.

Good Night and sweet dreams.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Most Magnificent Version of Ourselves

Tonight the info session had a lot of questions. I think the ultimate goal is to remember that we are there to encourage and enhance a child's life. That child might otherwise be on the street, getting into something he or she shouldnt. I know we will do good and we have to remember that. Good does conquer evil. Good thoughts and a positive attitude will wash away the negativity. Prayer helps too.

Today was the little guy's birthday. He is now two years old. My how time flies.Yesterday was his party and that was nice to see him so excited.

I missed you tonight. I was hoping to see you. I pray that you have a good night. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Let's Make This Work

I am listening to you now and I am watching you on Trinity webcast. It keeps going in and out but the message is clear.

Racism is still alive and well in the United States.

If you look into the heart of America it looks like racism has had a second breath.

Its in the brick and mortar of this country. Its in the DNA.

This country is built on racism.

Your wife isnt a very good cook and quite frankly you cant find her.

I guess you arent really looking anymore.

We have a wall that we continue to keep mending instead of just tearing it down.

We have not sensitized ourself to love and save each other. We save every other animal but we cant save each other. We cant respect each other. We have to reverence each other and love each other.

God says how dare you say you love me when you do not love the people that you do see. Teach us to pray. Every time Jesus prayed to the Father he got.

We are all one in Christ Jesus. We have discovered church but we still have not discovered Jesus. When we truly discover Jesus, walls come down. The failure then becomes an issue of the heart. Jesus said love one another.

Sin. You cant repent from a sin you have not had the guts to acknowledge.

Now the broadcast has gone out. What ever you are saying I am sure its dynamite. Its 7:08 and the broadcast is until 7:30 so I suspect that you will end the broadcast. I am waiting and waiting and waiting for it to come back on.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Greed, Need and Judgement

I ask the Lord to help me take a stand in the things that I need.  Lord help me to think about the things that are important in my life. In what ways have I been enticed by the values of the world in these past few days.  I want to be rich towards God.

I will nto worry about my life, what I will eat, what I will drink, or what I will wear. Life is more than food and clothes and things. Worrying is not going to add another second to my life. I will give my thoughts to what I need to to keep my life and my mind on God.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you.

I called you today and left a message that I was wishing you a happy birthday.

In the words of Luther Vandross, I would rather have bad times with you than good times with someone new.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


When you visualize something you have to have a picture of what you believe something will be. You must have an idea of the end result.  You have to play that positive picture in your mind and continue to see that picture in your mind. Its not just thinking I will do this or be there. It's actually seeing yourself there. Feeling the actual essence of being there. Smelling the air, feeling the wind, actually being there. When you can visualize being there then you are able to accomplish the goal.

I know that your birthday is Thursday. I can tell you have a lot on your mind. I pray for you daily. I cover you with the blood of Jesus. You are under a lot of pressure but ultimately I know that you will call on the One who can relieve all pressures.

I had a whole list of things I wanted to tell you about in the car but now I'm tired so I will have to say good night.

God bless you tonight. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

You Gotta Love Anyway

I'm listening to today's sermon. You have to be willing to take the risk.

Take the risk. Are you willing to take the risk.

Taking the risk will cost you. If we are ever going to make a difference we have to take a risk.

I am willing to stay and fight and believe because I know that God will bring me through.

I believe God will do what he said he would do. I'll take a risk and believe in God to do what he said he would do.

God is able to do just what he said he would do. I an believing him for our future.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone. Good Night.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Let's Move Forward, Not Backwards

Sometimes life will throw you a curve ball and you have to be ready to catch it and throw it back.

Its hard being a woman. Its extremely hard.

The woman at the well. She didn't ask for five different husbands. She might have tried to make each and every marriage work. She doesn't want to be with a man who doesn't want to marry her and make it legit but at this moment in her life he seems to be able to meet a need in her life and his unwillingness to commit to her is something that she puts up with. She has decided to settle for the man who seems to want her but is unwilling to make that commitment. All women are in that position at one time or another. I feel like I am in that position now. I want a man but he's not ready to make that commitment and so I stay and tell my self that its me somehow that is the reason for the problems.

I went to 5 PM mass today because I wont be at church tomorrow. I have to go to brunch with my family. This is our mother's day celebration. Mom wanted to go to the House of Blues for brunch so we are doing their gospel brunch tomorrow at 12:30.

I wont be able to listen to your wonderful sermon tomorrow either. I'll have to listen to the edited version later. God I pray that you speak to me tomorrow. Help me to understand.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Its been a long time since I was here.

Where haveI been all this time?

What have I been doing?

Well its not all about me, thats for sure. ITS NOT ABOUT ME.



Monday, May 12, 2008

The Woman at the Well

This has been a repeated message these last few months. I try to relate my bible teachings and lessons to my life and I can only come up with the fact that I am about to openly have an affair with a man of the cloth that will cause others to think badly of me.

I know that right now I dont give a rat's patootie what people think.

Let it happen. I think I needed to strengthen my confidence with the counselor and then just jump into what I know is for me.

I wont be there on Sunday. We are celebrating Mother's Day at the House of Blues next Sunday and of course she (my mother) wanted the event to take place at the 12: 30 brunch. I am missing you already.

I have decided that I will not let a day go by that doesnt let you know that I love you.

I love you.

You might have thought that couneseling might have been destructive but it was rewarding. I know what is truly important. You and me.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

hello Darling

Where would I be withouth you.

My heart and my mind know that I love you and need you in my life.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Let's Not Forget

Let's not forget what God said on this.  Let's not forget our commitment to this.

No one really knows us and this situation. Noone can tell me whats real in this situation. Yes it was daunting to hear he's just not going to leave for you, there is no reason for you to think that there is a possibility of a relationship there, forget him and just be friends. Think about yourself and increase your self esteem and positive attitude about your life. You can have whatever it is you want, He thinks I am right to not talk and to keep my distance. That's not at all what I wanted to hear. It seemed true, it seemed final, it seemed...but then God stepped in.

Dont let the devil steal your joy. Dont let the devil make you believe that my blessing for you is not coming to fruition. I can increase my ability to destress and increase my self esteem without losing my dream. I wont lose my blessing.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hello and good night

Hypnotherapy, meditation and relaxation.

Positive thoughts, with a CD to release my anxiety and stress.

No medication, I dont need it nor do I want it.

I believe that this will increase my confidence and self esteem.

I have positive affirmations to improve my outlook and I am successful.

I want to be your friend, to talk to you and to get to know you. I probably wont see him again. He has some good ideas about stress and anxiety relief, I will and have used them and found them to be helpful. But he thinks I should forget about you. He believes that unless you leave the priesthood that their is no future, and if you did I would feel too guilty for us to have a relationship. He thinks thats why I have backed away from you. Guilt. Damned if I do, damned if I dont. 

I just want God to weigh in and guide me. Good Night.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Good Morning

I was a little lost on your bible study in the beginning but then it began to click.  I once was lost but now I'm found.

Have a blessed day today. Be the change that you want to see in the world.

Monday, May 5, 2008


I am speaking more positive to myself. I love that. I am so much better in the classroom. I am using this technique with my students and I find my self much more calm and controling. I think it takes much more concentration to stay controlled and focus. That's why I have such a hard time with my students. We planted flowers from seeds for their mom or the females in their lives. Its important to recognize the people who take care of them on a day to day basis. I hope that they are appreciative.

I am going on the ellipitcial now. I have to stay focused for myself. I'm not as dedicated as I should be for optimal weight loss but then again I am only human. I make a mistake and I pick myself up and keep trying. 

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Secret

I am reading the Secret.

I have found it very enlightening.

My therapist recommended it. He seems to be familiar with teachers, women and black women.

He asked me what was it that I liked about you and I thought about how strong you are, how funny you are, how you are handsome, but not stuck on yourself. You are sensitive to other people.

I wonder what you would say about me. Would it be generic? Have you moved on? Is this too much for you?

I decided that I am going to think better about myself. The book clearly gives insight in the best way to have success in your life. So I am thinking the thoughts that will bring success into my life. Success in my love life. Success in my home life and success in my work life.

I want to be honest about what I feel, think and believe. I pray that this it good for me. I feel so distant now. I dont even like this journal anymore. Its so impersonal. I just dont like it anymore. I need more than this to connect us.

The Secret

I am reading the Secret.

I have found it very enlightening.

My therapist recommended it. He seems to be familiar with teachers, women and black women.

He asked me what was it that I liked about you and I thought about how strong you are, how funny you are, how you are handsome, but not stuck on yourself. You are sensitive to other people.

I wonder what you would say about me. Would it be generic? Have you moved on? Is this too much for you?

I decided that I am going to think better about myself. The book clearly gives insight in the best way to have success in your life. So I am thinking the thoughts that will bring success into my life. Success in my love life. Success in my home life and success in my work life.

I want to be honest about what I feel, think and believe.

The Secret

I am reading the Secret.

I have found it very enlightening.

My therapist recommended it. He seems to be familiar with teachers, women and black women.

He asked me what was it that I liked about you and I thought about how strong you are, how funny you are, how you are handsome, but not stuck on yourself. You are sensitive to other people.

I wonder what you would say about me. Would it be generic? Have you moved on? Is this too much for you?

I decided that I am going to think better about myself. The book clearly gives insight in the best way to have success in your life. So I am thinking the thoughts that will bring success into my life. Success in my love life. Success in my home life and success in my work life.

I want to be honest about what I feel, think and believe.

The Secret

I am reading the Secret.

I have found it very enlightening.

My therapist recommended it. He seems to be familiar with teachers, women and black women.

He asked me what was it that I liked about you and I thought about how strong you are, how funny you are, how you are handsome, but not stuck on yourself. You are sensitive to other people.

I wonder what you would say about me. Would it be generic? Have you moved on? Is this too much for you?

I decided that I am going to think better about myself. The book clearly gives insight in the best way to have success in your life. So I am thinking the thoughts that will bring success into my life. Success in my love life. Success in my home life and success in my work life.

I want to be honest about what I feel, think and believe.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Hello Darling,

I went to my first counseling sessoin for my bigproblem. I was so concerned. I have been to counseling before,. When I went this time I was concerned about who my counselor was, but he seems to be in touch with my kind.Babysitting right now, I thought I could take a minute but I cant right now.