Saturday, August 14, 2004

Women and Men


The delicate dance we do to not seem amused...

when our every thought and action is about you.

 We look but don't look. We stay near but not too near.

We touch but only slightly.

The look, the eye contact, the glance, the stare, the smiles.

What do we do? What do we say, we are not suppose to feel this way?

 Why do I care? Because I must. Because I do. Because I want to.

Every day is a blessing that I am here and I have yet to complete what God wants me to do. The visions that he has shown me, the things we are to accomplish are to massive to imagine. The people we will bring to the Lord. The hundreds and hundreds of people that I have seen us bringing to the Lord. Show them how to love he says, show them how to care. Be an example of my undying love and mercy. What an awesome responsibility. Can I do it? When God first showed me his vision I ran like a scared rabbit. Not me, I can't do that, but the Lord had faith and he said I save you from that accident because there is a purpose for you in my Kingdom. He wrapped his loving arms around me and saved me and my girls. If he never does anything else for me I know that that day in the Nevada desert he saved us, he came down and revealed his presence to me, him alone. But I know he wants to do more and he has a job for me to do. I have used this journal writing as a cartharis to release the thoughts and feeling that I have built up. I had to get them out to the world. What ver his plans for me I am willing to accept them. Like Jonah, I ran but I am back now, and ready to do whatever I have to to accomplish God's mission. I'm ready. Let's Get it ON!!! Let's do this thang!!!! Bring it ON!!!

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