Sunday, January 9, 2005





I couldn/t let another minute go by without saying something in my journal. I missed you on Saturday. I worked in the morning and then went to see Ray and have dinner n the city with one of the SOW sisters. I didnt get home till 8 or 9 and I went straight to bed since someone was on the computer. I hope you day was productive. I understand the funeral was Saturday. You can be such a comfort to people. Your compassion is evident.

I hope your have a blessed day and safe travels my love.

I hear you are going to speak at the communications meeting on the 29th. I'm taking of work for that. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Well now I can go back to bed and rest, I have communicated with you. Its become a necessary part of my day. When I don't put an entry in it doesn't seem right. Its like any relationship, you have to nurture it daily or it will go by the wayside.

Well, I guess I won't see you until Friday Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

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