I told you yesterday how my mornings go now I will tell you how my evenings usually go. On Mondays I have a class so I have to get out to Naperville by 6:15. With all of the traffic and the general clean up that has to take place in the room I try to leave my classroom by 3- 3:30. Traffic of course is a bear and I spend anywhere from one hour thirty to two hours in traffic. So thats usually a full day from 5:40am until10:00 or later. On Tuesdays its been work and then I will stay late and clean up and organize the room, go to the library, sometimes have dinner, and then off to bible study. Wednesday I will leave right away to get to work, which will take me about an hour or so because I will use 88 and 355 but I dont like to use them too often because of the tolls. Thurs is the same as Wednesday. By the time Friday rolls around I am totally exhausted. If there is something in the evening I will got to church otherwise I am at home, fighting the traffic of course. Fridays I will also meet with my school mentor so I dont leave until 5pm or so. Saturday morning off to work. Saturday afternoon, I go to a movie, in the evening I am usually at home. Sunday in the morning I go to church afternoons I was going to work again but not anymore. Thats what I have been doing the past three weeks and it has been exhausting. One last thing to get off my chest.
When I thanked you for blessing me for getting a new job, that was sarcasm. At the house warming I told the principal that I had a new job and she was so elated. Wehn she asked you to say a blessing for me, you said, "Oh she doesnt need that, she'll be alright." That hurt my feelings. I knew you were mad anyway, so I said nothing. Then, I decided I would start a private journal and not write in this anymore. In a private journal you can invite anyone in who you want. You just have to know their screen name and then you allow that name access.Everyone can't come in. I have a new screen name and everything. I would tell you mine and you would tell me your screen name. I don't even know your screen name. I was going to invite you to the private journal. Maybe then a real conversation could begin between us. But I didnt because you went a different direction. I want to stop the wrong meanings and wrong guesses and impressions. We have to talk if this is real.
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