Monday, August 29, 2005

Sex In The City Part 2

Sermon excerpts as I listen to it today. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of the Lord.

God does not tempt.

When you feel the struggle, fight.

The stronger the desire the easier the enticement.

What level of frustration did you wake up with this morning?

Wake up covering yourself with a hedge of protection. dispatch warring angels both day and night.

Go to bed covered and wake up covered. You must be truthful and honest about the state you are in. Acknowledge the stuff going on and God can help you deal with it. Be honest enough to say it ain't alright. It ain't alright in my life right now. Somedays I'm not alright and I have to deal with the truth. Amen

A man is drawn out by sex.  They have a quick reaction. Men don't plan it, it just happens. That's why men don't have emotional attachment to certain women. You were just a hit and run.

A woman will mask it. She will think about it for two weeks. Then she will say if he comes at me like this again. She will allow it to cook and simmer for awhile.

The devil is a master at knowing you. He will bring you your type. The devil knows what you like. Like a waiter in an expensive restaurant. He will bring the dessert cart and just start to call it out until he reaches what you like. Something will entice you. 

It is easy to testify about all the things you overcame that you didn't want but there's somebody you aren't saying anything about.

It demands replacing the temptation with your relationship with God.

The battle is when I have to switch from what I am feeling to what I am believing.

The thing that makes temptation so desirable is the availability. Some people make themselves available to you and others. Some things you wouldn't have fallen in if it wasn't so available.

If you had to swim through infested waters, climb over a high fence and walk through rats you might have held back. But satan says you don't have to work hard for it, I'll bring it to you. satan will come to where you are. satan will meet you anywhere. Work, school and church. The thing that destroys us is availability. If we try to live saved why do we spend so much time walking around in danger zones. Why do we keep people around us that are dangerous for us.

God is saying he put the flag up so that we would stop swimming in dangerous waters. We just have to take notice of the flag and heed the warning.

Its time for those of us who want to grow to the next level in God to begin by going after what is permanent and not what is temporary.

Why do we keep laying down with a temporary person? Make a decision that you don't want to get into anythig that's not permanent. If its permanent then you need to know they want something more than your body.

Most relationships are based around sex. They begin with sex. Put a hold on the body and tell them to check out your mind, soul and spirit and not what you look like.

Don't get mad when someone you just had sex with rejects you. They didn't know you, they knew your body. We spend so much time putting our flesh first and then get mad when that's all they want. When that's all we show, that's going to be all that they want. Cover it up, we don't want to see it.

satan doesn't have to send demons after you he can use the world. Its set up to take you down the path. The TV will show you the videos, music, ads,movies, etc. Its feeding your mind and influencing your spirit. Its feeding your mind a new kind of morality. The world is feeding sex. We wake with it everyday. Sex is fed in us so much you almost become uncomfortable giving someone a compliment. We have to watch where we go and who we let in our space. In some spaces ther's a lion trying to get in there. I'm not letting you in my space unless you want to know my mind, spirit and soul. I am more than a body.

satan has set up this world for sex. Where are the virgins, abstinence, those that say I'm going to do it right. Where are the celibate, those that are only going to have sex with their wife.

I'm making up my mind right now, I'd rather be alone than  messed over another time. God's got the best for you, don't mess over it with temporary stuff.

Lust will drag you away. If you give in to lust it will take you from unspeakable joy to unspeakable sorrow.

Many of us have messed up a lot of good people and relationships over sex. Some folks could have been a good relationship if you just hadn't gone to bed with them. If you had not surrendered to uncontrollable feelings.

I'm ready for something real. I'm tired of being played with by the devil. I want something real. Anything you can't say no to you're in bondage to it. It can be sex, alcohol, friendship, food.  Anything that you can not say "no this isn't God" then you are in bondage. You don't have enough sweet talk for me. Not enough sweet talk for my body. Ain't nobody got enough sweet talk for my body.

The next time somebody tries to bump your head let them know you have a call on your life. Don't let anyone get in your way from going to the next level. I'm going all the way with God. If you can't come to my level I ain't going to your gutter. I can get a body anywhere.But I need me a mind that's Holy Ghost filled, someone who says Jesus is my Lord and my Savior. Somebody with the mind of Christ.

You need people who say "what can they give". Lust takes and love gives. I need somebody that can give. I have had enough folks who will pull me down. Now I need somebody who will lift me up.

I'm valuable and I need somebody of value in my life. I don't need someone looking for a "discount" or a "for sale" sign. I need somebody that loves me. When God washes us up and renews our mind we need to say we are not going back.  God brought me out and I ain't going back. I need somebody who values my mind, soul and spirit. Nothing else will last. It won't last if it ain't spiritual. It won't last if it ain't God.

If someone says they love you, let them know "if you're coming my way, you have to know I already have a lover". My lover is my necessity and you could be my benefit but you are not my necessity because I already have a lover. You may not see a lover with me but don't be confused, my lover cannot be seen with the naked eye.

You would see that there is already someone in my life if you were Holy Ghost filled. The smile on my face, he put it there. The joy in my heart, he put it there. I already have a lover. Love woke me up this morning. Love started me on my way. Love made a way out of no way. It wasn't sex, it was love. I already got a lover. Because I already have a lover, you can't fool me with your make believe love because I know what real love is. Love died for me. Love lifted me and set me free.

Jesus made it hard for everybody in my life. Jesus set a standard for what real love is so I'm not fooled with the tricks and games of anybody. Jesus stopped by me first, so if anybody comes my way they will know Jesus raised the standard. As long as I have Jesus, I have love, keep your flesh single people. Jesus is enough to keep you till he brings the one he has for you, so if he never brings anyone, then no one was good enough for me.



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