Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

I have to keep this the same because I am always thankful that God woke me up today and has allowed me to start on my way. I have to acknowledge who's the boss in my life. Thank you Lord for blessing me this morning.  Thank you Lord for you mercy and your grace. You understanding of what I need and when I need it. I needed a fresh word to touch my heart last night and it did. Convict me Lord. Make me hear and know that you care. Lets work together, I'm a firm believer that action speaks louder than words. Where's the action? I have the words right here. I hear the words from you. I'm writing, you're speaking. You need to write a book. You should have a video feed on the internet. People need to have a visual of you and the church experience. People need to hear you and God's word from you. You can't listen to everyone out there claiming to preach God's word. Those that are truly men of God need to reach the people. One thing about people, they will follow someone, let that someone be a man of God. That's been something I've wanted to say for a long time. I believe there is power in the tongue and I speak life over this relationship. Rejuvenate, renew, refresh the air when we are together. Make something happen. Renew my mind to speak life into this journal. Youw ant the truth...YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. I know its Jack Nicholson from a movie, but sometimes I think you can't quite handle it from me. I think your pastoral senses pop up and you want to solve my problem and fix my problem come to my rescue somehow. But what if you can't always solve my problem? What then? I have to trust in God to solve my problems and lean not to my own understanding on that problem. What may be a problem for me, may not be a problem for you. Oh and by the way, rare steaks, yuck. Medium steaks are for me. Just a small strip of rare running through the middle. Now done, not rare, medium. You might as well just take the steak out of the wrapper and start eating it.

Yesterday I had Open House. That's why I was late. I didn't get out of there until almost 6:30. Today I have my first year teacher meeting tonight with this new group. I'll be over in Hyde Park. I have to hurry and get there because the meeting starts at 4pm.

I'm going over today but I guess I needed to talk for a change.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.

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