Monday, October 31, 2005

Good Morning


Good Morning Lord. All praises and honor and glory to you this morning. Thank you for waking me up this morning. Thank you for starting me on my way today. Glory to you Lord. All blessings to you Lord. Your blessings are what I seek. Lord strengthen me to see truth and clarity in all situations. Guide me on the right path. Let my choices be your choices Lord. I won't go were you don't lead. There's too much going on for me to handle but you have told me Lord the battle is not mine, its the Lord's. I trust you to fight my battles. I trust you guide me with a discerning heart. I trust you to know the diesires of my heart. Lord, I trust you. I love you. Lord you know my thoughts, you know my concerns.

I just want to serve you Lord. My desire is to be pleasing in your eyes. I don't seem to be able to get it right lately. I spend more time listening than I do talking. Especially now that I have problems with my voice. I'm going to the doctor today. Thank you Father God for your tender mercies. Take Care and be blessed.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

My Cellphone Wallpaper



This was taken a while ago with my cell. Its my wallpaper on my cell. I missed being there today, I wanted to be there. I don't know what I'm going to do for transportation now. I'll think of something. Be blessed and have a good evening.


I couldn't stand the thought of leaving the thought of bitterness staining my day. I feel relief that I have declared it. I'm understanding that its self induced and I control the ability to get rid of it. I will not be bitter. 

 Love is free from bitterness.

o Joy pushes bitterness out.

o Bitterness can not coexist with peace in the soul of the believer filled with the Holy spirit.

o Longsuffering gives the ability to deal with bitterness and other troubles.

o Gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance are fruits of righteousness, which is divine good. Divine good takes the place of bitterness

(Grace Notes Materials)

I began to search for material on bitterness, I refuse to be stifled with negativity.


That One Little Thing

I'm listening to the message of October 16th since I felt I only heard one thing from it. A stronghold on my life is...

Its an enemy to my destiny. I will never get to my destiny until I deal with that thing that's hindering me. It seems small but I need to deal with it. Deal with my stronghold. The holy ghost is not free to change me until I'm honest about what needs to be changed I won't be changed. The Holy Ghost won't be free to deal with me until I am honest about what needs to be changed. Deal with my stronghold. Something is covered that is within that is keeping me from the truth. I can deal with the outside if I can deal with the inside. I want to deal with the enemy that is holding me on the inside.

If I don't deal with it, its going to deal with me. What is it that has a grab on me, what is it that is limiting me. Just deal with me for a minute. What's my Pharoah. Negativity, childhood, someone that treated me bad, a relationship that hurt me, what is limiting me from my forward march. What is stopping me from my destiny coming into my life.

What is it that is stopping me from coming into my destiny in my life? What is it? You have already taken too much of my time, energy and power. Today I declare in the name of Jesus that it is over. Satan is after my joy, peace and finances. My purpose, my victory, my destiny are all things that satan is after.I believe in my destiny and I'm ready to fight for it. Take your hands off me satan. When good sense doesn't wake you up sometimes the pain will make you say you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Take your hands off of me. Break loose. Free me. Let me go.

I have listened again and I hear the message. I hear what you are saying.

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Thank you for another day. Thank you for your tender mercies and all of your wonderful blessings. Though I may not see it in the natural, I know you are working things out for me. Thank you Lord for loving me. Tahnk you.

As I review this week I see bitterness in my attitude. I have bitterness for the events that happened to me and bitterness towards the people who I feel treated me unfairly. Whether they did or not I have to let go of the bitterness. I want to forgive, relent, acknowledge, nd move on. Renew my mind and my soul this day Lord.Heal my scars and wounds. Help me to accomplish a new thing. Help me to see the rainbow in my situation. Let me look favorably on my circumstances. Help me to find the silver lining in my black cloud. Most of all Lord, remove the bitterness. It affects how I respond to others. Bitterness leaves a sour taste in my mouth and doesnt all others to see me in a good light. I want to walk in your will and in your way. Follow your path.Help me to accomplish this. I can't do it if I have bitterness, unforgiveness, contempt and malice. Guide me to renew my heart and my mind.

Have a blessed day and continue to renew, rejuvenate, and refresh your spirit and mind and body. Enjoy yourself. Drink up the atmosphere and live for the moment. Rejoice in the Lord for he is good and his mercy endures forever.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Good Morning

Its early but its still morning for me. I came in and had some tea and all my other soothing vapors and logenzer to help my voice return. After two more days of talking to my children I didn't have much voice left, if any. There is such a winning spirit around town. Go Sox!!! The attitude is so great. Where I am, not everyone can afford to wear the jerseys and stuff so they wear white ankle socks to show their support. Everyone has the spirit. The attitude is we're a winner. We did it!!! Its a good feeling to be part of a city that has such good vibrations flowing. Yeah for the weekend. This will be a good weekend for my brother, he's a cab driver and people love to celebrate!!

I thought I was going to have to go to a training session tomorrow but it was canceled until next week. My Saturday is my own. Well, sort of, there's always that mound of papers that needs to be corrected. Its never ending. It just continues to grow and grow and grow. I check papers everyday and still it grows. The good thing is students are working.

I know you are a European American Causasian/White. I  know I am African American Negroid/Black/Colored. Whatever term fits your sensibility level of comfort.

I know who I am and what I am. I know who you are and what you are. This isn't the first time I have dated outside the color line. The 50's term seems to best describe the situation. Its something that people are constantly making note of  and something that I feel doesnt warrant all that attention. We are all human beings who breathe the same air and have blood that is red. I used to not date black men. How my ex husband got through was because I listened to people tell me I should marry a black man, I don't know why, it didn't make him a responsible person, or me change my mind about black men and their responsibility to their families, it just reinforced it. If I'm stereotpyical about anything its my own race. Color has never been an issue for me. Its always been character of the person. Character counts. I don't believe in saying color  doesn't exist because my social justice nature won't allow me to say that I am color blind. I see color, privilege, and exculsions as clear as can be. I don't categorize people in one lump sum. I believe hatred of another race is taught and nurtured. You have to be taught how and why to hate. Even then, you have to embrace it and be challenged to continue that belief against all odds. Then you have to learn to regard others as subhumans and treat them with disrespect. This works both ways too.

I say this because you said "I'm white" one day, and I never addressed it. Yes you are and be proud of it. Be proud of who you are. I encourage everyone to know who they are and be proud of it. Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud. Not pride, just healthy self esteem and love of yourself.


Friday, October 28, 2005

Good Morning

Thank You Lord for your love and mercy. I am here another day. Sometimes its truly just all I can do to lift my head from the pillow. But here I am. Thank you Lord.

I will thank you , praise you and worship you for who you are. Its easy to praise and worship when you know what an awesome God you are dealing with. All knowing, all powerful, Alpha and Omega, author and finisher of everything. Everything! That demands and warrants some respect. Just for who you are Lord I honor you.

A future vision. God is working a new something out. Betrayal. God knows all and sees all.

How are you doing today? Enjoy, rest, reflect and relax. Rejuvenate, restore, remember. All of these "R" words. Take the time to get the words, the message, the prophetic voice that you must hear. Listen intently. Feel His Presence. Be strengthened and know peace.

Have a blessed day.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


I hope you are doing well and enjoying yourself.

I had something taken away from me yesterday that I needed. i allowed it to happen because I didnt give it the attention it needed when it needed it. I thought I had more time and I didnt. I regret that now. I'm sure there's a lesson for me in it. It always is.

I started talking about sexuality this morning and I feel there are some things I have to say. I dont want you to tell me about previous/current  love interest you may have had/have. I believe you to be a moral man and I believe that it is a struggle and challenge that you have found a way to conquer/subdue/mask. I just wonder about some things and it was on my mind. I know you have often mentioned sex with others relationships and I dont want you making blanket confessions to the community about your sex life. Thats not what I'm asking. I was just thinking about how many years it has been. How you mentioned how you were leaving when you first came to the community and how you have managed to stay and turn things around. Through all of that you have stayed faithful to your faith and religion. Women are constantly looked down upon in your religion. How do you cope with that knowing how you are now pulled in a different direction? Questions, questions, questions.

Well, I'm off to have another cup of tea and try to salvage what little bit of voice I have. I look forward to the weekend.

Good Morning

Good Morning

Thank You Lord for today. Thank You for your mercy and grace today and always. Thank you God for your blessings. I don't seem to understand everything you are trying to teach me but I am sure you are unchanging and compassionate.

I will reflect on your word and try to continue to walk in your will today and everyday.

I wonder about being alone and loneliness for you. You have chosen a life that requires you to be alone. How will you adjust to another person? You have been in this situation for over thirty years. I ask these questions because I saw this thing on celibacy. It was and still is a forced way of life. Many found ways to divert the sexual energy. What was/is your way of diverting it? This is not an easy subject for me to talk about. I saw the show last night and it stuck with my mind so I thought I should ask the questions. Abstinence has kept me doing other things to not have time to spend on that subject but sometimes it does come to mind. Times when I want intimacy and togetherness. Not sex, just someone who cares and comforts. Someone who on a daily basis I can relate to. I have Jesus, I have the Holy Spirit and I have the Most High God. But I understand that we need each other too. Here on earth we need each other to make it through the wickedness of the days. Someone to walk the walk with us. Someone who can share the load. A partner, a friend, a lover. Just some thoughts this morning.

Have a blessed day and continue to rest, reflect and listen for God's voice and direction in your life.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning

Its early, but its still morning for me. I can't sleep and I thought this would be as good a time as any to write. I didn't make an entry last night because I have some kind of bug. I'm losing my voice somehow. I plan to go to the doctor tomorrow. You never know what kind of bug is going around school. Enough said about that. In between the Vapor Rub, Tea, Lozengers and all the other stuff to treat the symptoms but not actually cure anything, I thought I would write to you.

When I was driving in yesterday I saw a rainbow. It was so bright and clear. The traffic was slow because of the spotty rain showers and as I moved by it I was reminded of God's promise to us. This was really significant to me because the day before, out of my classroom window one of the children pointed out to me that there was a rainbow. Again it was a bright and clear rainbow. I took a picture of it. I told them I would bring it to class for our room. Two days in a row I had a rainbow in the morning. God wants me to remember His promises and I do. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is faithful and true to His word. God loves me. God love you.

Rejuvenate yourself and renew your mind. You have given me a wealth of inner strength and I revel in that. You protect your congregation and we need you to protect yourself. Restore and renew your mind. We love you. I love you. Take Care of yourself.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning

Thank You Lord for today. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank You Lord for loving me and saving me. God you are working a new thing in my life and I am renewed and refreshed with each day. You strengthen me and renew my mind to walk in your will everyday. I follow your path earnestly Lord. I desire to do your will. Guide me daily. Have compassion on me Lord.My strength is renewed as long as I know you are with me. I listen to you Lord and seek you out daily.

Have a blessed day today. Renew your strength and refresh your mind. God is doing a new thing.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning

Blessings to you this morning. Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning. My day starts out with me seeking God in every avenue of my life today. I still have something to do for God and I plan to try and accomplish it to the best of my abilities. My mind is on Jesus today. I have faith that God sees me and knows the desires of my heart, knows the struggles I encounter and knows how to make all things work our for His good. My God shall supply all of my needs. My Lord and Savior shall have a discerning heart and know what is best for me. Thank God He is the author and finisher of my life. Thank You Lord for loving me. Thank you for taking control in my life. If I just let go and let God I will be in His will.

Well my friend, today is your traveling day. God grant him traveling mercies with you today. Clear the air, lan  and the sea and all forms of travel so that his journey is successful and uneventful. No delays, no problems, no nothing. Just a ordinary, everyday flight and travel. Lord grant him the peace and comfort he needs on his journey. Let him not be anxious for anything today. Calm and Cool is all he needs today. Remember the tickets, luggage, and anything else that will make his trip more comfortable. Protect him Lord because I love him. Guide him on his vacation and give him insight.

Have a blessed day today and relax.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

See You Soon

That was really spectacular today. I was very inspired and uplifted.

I want you to know that I love you and you make sure you come back to me in one piece. Don't go doing any extreme sports. Have fun but don't hurt yourself. Relax, enjoy yourself, look forward to your time off and enjoy it. You definately deserve it.

You realize I am going to have to talk to myself for two weeks and by the end of those two weeks, no telling what kinds of things I'll be saying. My goal is to stay focused and on track. I want to be at this same level of belief and commitment if not more when you return. I have decided I need to prepare plans for my celebration. My big celebration. I've never planned for a big celebration and I don't plan on planning it all now. Just taking one part of it and focusing on that. As if it is about to happen in 18 months. I gave myself a time frame to work with so I could begin to count down. April 2007. That seems like a very long time from now, but its just a hypothetical date and something to keep me occupied right now. I'm going to start looking at cakes. I don't want to look at dresses aor anything else. I'm going to look at cakes. Sao, cakes it is. That's what's going to occupy my mind when I think about you and me. Cake. It may not make sense but its abstract enough for me to hold onto for two weeks.

Good Morning


Good Morning

Thank You Lord for one more day. I trust you to guide me and to direct my path today. I feel I have nothing but love for you today. I am committed to trusting in you God. I lean not to my own understanding. I do not dwell on the things of this world, I place my thoughts, hopes and dreams in your hands, lord. You know the desires of my heart. I have my breakthrough. It just happened as easy as anything. That step is done. I continue to walk by faith and not by sight. I know that the Lord will lead me on the right path if I just let go and let God do it. I want to be still and listen to His word in my life.My desire is to trust in God. To trust that my Lord has my best interest at heart and if the road gets narrow, I have to trust in the Lord. Words are one thing action is another. My actions I want to be pleasing to the Lord. I am committed to do things God's way.

I haven't been writing much because I don't want to complain. I'm not going to come across as a complainer or whiner. I don't need to discuss everything that happens to me in detail. My ins and outs, my ups and downs do not need to be displayed on a daily basis. It begins to sound whiny and helpless.If I am to renew my mind everyday and encourage myself then I need to do just that and reliving stuff or restating things is not renewing my mind or strengthening my soul.

I will miss you. Take the time to enjoy yourself. Relax and renew your mind and spirit.

I'll see you later, have a blessed day.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Thank You Lord for the day. Thank You Lord for lifting me up today. Thank You for your saving grace and mercy in my life. Thank You Lord for loving me through my faults and dilemeas. Where would I be without you Lord. I need you daily to guid me and direct me. If I don't hear from you Lord, Idon't want to go. I don't want to do anything without you leading and guiding me all the way Lrod. Your will be done in my life daily. Thank You Lor for loving me.

I will be at the seminar today. What a blessing to have such wonderful talent that can enrich our community. Have a wonderful day today and be blessed.

Friday, October 21, 2005


I am so glad this week is over. I had a slow start this morning. I went to bed early last night and woke up around 9:30 and didnt get back to sleep until 1am. This getting up at 5am definately changes my day around. Any way, I'm just talking about it, not complaining or anything. Happy Date Night.

My day wasn't too bad nothing too unusual.

I'm so excited about interviewing you. I promise I will be calm and controlled. I just never had any idea that you were in charge of the give away. I'm really excited about this. Communication. Unexpected communication. This is the one. I just know it.

Well, I have to pick up my daughter. Just wanted to say Hi.

Have a blessed and relaxing evening.

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Its so good to be in your presence once again. Tahnk you for lifting me up and starting me on my way. Just the nod of your head this morning for me to awake has made my day. I will be encouraged today and walk in your will. I travel with grace and mercy. Thank you Lord for loving me today. Thank You Lord.

This has been a challenging week. I take nothing for granted and I acknowledge God in every area of my life. Even though things get tough I know that he is with me.I am encouraged about us. I feel good things are about to happen because my attitude has broken through a big hurdle. I'm very encouraged about us. I just enjoy thinking about us now. Its enlightening and refreshing. I ask for forgiveness for all the horrible things I have said and done to everyone in the whole entire world. I humble myself before God. I'm sorry and I beg for forgiveness.

Today I have to decide whether to let my students have a Halloween party. The principal announced to all the teachers that she likes the holiday, wants the children to like it and doesnt believe all the negative stuff related to it. I can't have a Hallelujah Party, that's religious and we don't want to bring religion into the public schools. We can bring witches, vampires and scary stuff in for the children under the guise of fun though. We are encouraged to let them have a party because they don't get any opportunity to have fun anywhere else. Mine are eighth graders, they have had the holiday experience before. I would suspect that there are community centers and things like that where they can get candy, but I know for some this may be their only opportunity. I probably will decide to have it because of that reason. For some this will be the only opportunity for candy, though they all seem to find ways to have candy and gum in my class. This just means they will be hyper for days to come now.

Well, enough about that stuff. You be encouraged today. Know that you are loved and thatI believe we can make it. I beleive I can fly.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning

Thank You Lord for waking me up another day. I know you have lovingkindness and tender mercies for me today and every day. Thank you Father God for loving me and saving me. Thank you.

Today will be a good day. I'm sure of it. It's a half day for the children. We have had some particularly stressful situations with the children. There is one incident that involves a sexual assualt with five students, four of them are in my class rotations. I will try not to internalixe every bad situation that occurs at this school. There are too many. Some people are just plain evil. What gets me is this is elementary school. What happens when they reach high school?

I was very excited about connecting with you  on my writing assignment. I'm looking forward to collaborating with you on this.I had been in a very stinky mood and I wanted to do something enjoyable. Forgive me for being so short and moody about everything lately. I've been like a prickly porcupine. That's why I chose this topic. I wanted to sperad some cheer and receive some cheer.

I pray that you have a very blessed day today and that you are successful in all of your endeavours today.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Make sure you check your email today.

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Thank You for another day. This day I will do my best to walk in your will. My Lord,  your words will guide me. I humbly submit myself to you . Thank You Lord for loving me. Thank you Lord for caring about me. Father God I worship you all the time in every endeavour.

I don't like being angry and upset. I would rather just not have to go down that road. I have soaked, and I think the dried on, crusty, burnt stuff is gone. I have a surprise for you.

Take Care and have a beautiful day.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I thank you for one more day. I thank the Father for giving me a chance to do His will in the world another day. Thank You Lord for waking me up and starting me on my day. Thank you Lord for your traveling mercies. Tahnk you for not having me break down on the side of the road. Thank you for giving me safety and protection yesterday. Thank you Lord for all of your tender mercies regarding me. Thank you for loving me and protecting me as one of your own.

In 2000, I lef the University of Chicago Hospitals to begin a teaching career so that I could teach overseas. I wanted to teach for the American Schools for the Department of Defense. I wanted to teach in London, Amsterdam, Paris, anywhere but the U.S. This was the year I was suppose to leave and teach. 2005-2006. It takes two years for the application process to be completed. Once I finished my student teaching, I planned to leave. I did not want to stay in the states anymore. There was nothing for me here.

But, I started the journal, and you found it, and your acknowledgement that you wanted a relationship made me change my plans. I'm still here and I'm still working at this. If it wasn't important to me I would have been gone a long time ago.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning

Thank You Lord for one more day to get it right. Thank You Lord for loving me today. Thank you Lord for caring about me. This is my place of  refuge from a hostile world.If I don't release some things then they stay bottled up and I can't function. I'm sitting on the side of the road in a snowstorm. Blinded by the snow and its very cold. The biggest thing I heard is "don't you care" "is it worth anything to you"  then you have to fight for it. Fight to get it and fight to keep it. Fight, fight, fight.

Is it not important to me?


It is my life, my love, my very existence.

Is it not important to me? Its all in my attitude.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning, this is the third time I have tried to get on the computer this morning. Computer problems. I don't like them. But I'm on now and I'm happy. As James says count it all as joy. My problems and trials and tribulations, count them all as joy. If God were finished with me the devil wouldnt be trying so hard to deter, detain and distract me. God knows what I need to do, where I need to be and what I need to say when I get there. My life is in His hands. The uncertainty of life is that I have absolute no control over the big picture and the details are just minor from Him to go this way or that way. I pray that I hear the nudges and follow them.In relying on Him I know that I am where I'm suppose to be. But that only reassures me if I trust that I have followed in God's will and direction. When I say I want to let God guide me and I know that His path is narrow, my trials become His path for me. Struggles have to be part of His path for me. He will not take me where I can't survive. So I have to trust where I am is where I am suppose to be and trust in God to see me through. His word is a lamp unto my feet.Guiding me along this rocky path. The rockier it gets, the more I rely on His word.

Have a very Blessed day today.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

God Knows

God knows that I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for Him. My life would be over.I had something today that must have had nuts in it because I had a reaction. I took some benadryl when I got home and I'm feeling much better now.

Today's meeting this morning was very emotional. There were some issues that I have to deal with that I thought were over but not quite I guess. I think we go through things in a gradual way.  Once you begin to face an issue you think, I'm facing this issue so now its over but its not. Its just the tip of the iceberg and some time later that same issue comes up again and you've got feelings and issues again like its the first time you have faced the issue. Its just that now you are further along the line on that issue, never at the end of it.

I finally had my HIV test done. When it was a church wide thing they ran out of tests and I didn't get it done. I was negative and I can say that proudly and gratefully. I know it can happen to anyone.

I think that because of the stuff that was going on with my daughter it allowed me to bring up memories of my childhood and stuff that I hadn't dealt with in an intense manner. I had been putting out little fires in my life and when this came, it just turned me into a forest fire. Issues, issues, issues. We all have baggage. I have again turned it over to God. I will not let the devil allow my mind to be his playground. What I do I do for God's Glory! I am healed in Jesus name and I will move forward with my life.

Good Morning

Good Morning

Thank you Lord for a good night's  sleep. My cup runneth over today. I walk in the boldness and courage of Christ Jesus. I know that My God is unchanging and last forever. I may be what I am, but I know God love me and accepts me. My faith is firmly planted in God's word. I seek His word daily.  I thirst and hunger for His word in my life. My life seems like a choppy sea right now. But I trust in God and not to my own understanding of any situation in my life right now.

Have a blessed day today.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Too Serious

It seems I have been too serious with my church family. I have backed off on my relationship with them and turned down an invitation and I am suddenly "going through something" now. I'm the wounded cat that you brought home that sits in the corner. Poor pitiful me. Don't feel sorry for me. I am doing just fine. I will survive.

I've been rude this week too. Maybe you have heard, maybe not. I just haven't been myself. Well I'd like to know who I've been then if not myself.

I know there really has been a change in my world this week but I'm still here. We all overcome trials and tribualtions. But we are still standing. I don't know the plans God has for me or if I have done the things he wants me to do in the way he wants me to do them. I do know that I keep trying the best way I know how. Sometimes its not my all or my best but I just keep trying. Sometimes I get upset and don't like something and I'm not going to pretend that I do. Sometimes I make mistakes and I have to live with that. I'm not perfect.

I'm not really making my church family very happy right now because I won't let them in on my drama. Its not that I don't think they can help but sometimes its just somebody wanting to know your business. I ask for forgiveness now if I have offended anyone this week and I know I have. I'm going to stop here.

Take Care and have a blessed evening. I'm stopping because I'm beginning to get upset over this stuff and there's not really a need to be upset. I'm tired and I need some rest. Be Blessed.

Good Morning

Good Morning. Thank You Lord for another day. Thank you for waking me up this morning. Lord I start each day looking to you for guidance and protection.

Thank God it's Friday. For a long time Fridays didn't mean anything for me. I worked the weekends too. I have worked some really weird schedules before.Losts of evening and weekend shifts. I've done over hundreds of hours from3pm to 11:30pm and from 11:00 until 7am. I've worked most holidays for a long, long time. I think I'm saying this to say I have earned the right to be thankful for Fridays and to enjoy the simple pleasure of having two days off in a row and those days being Saturday and Sunday and an occasional Monday holiday every now and then. Well that was a big digression. Must have been necessary though. My day is going to be fine. I look forward to seeing my students and all of the drama they bring with them.

My daughter's abuser went to court yesterday and he got thirty days in jail so that's an initial relief. We have to go back on 11/01. We didn't go yesterday, nor were we expected to go. I think we are finally about to see the backside of this nightmare. I know these kinds of things can continue, but for now, he's in jail.

Well, tonight is date night and I'm going to plan something different. Maybe go shopping at Sam's Club. Can't plan too much. Have a blessed day today. I hope to see you in the morning. Expect to have a good day today.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Faith is so necessary on a daily basis. Some people misunderstand you. Some people don't even try to understand you and some people say they understand but they really don't. Then finally some people just don't even try to understand you, they just forgive you and accept you and just love you for who you are.

My day was interesting. There was good and bad in this day and I don't want to go into details. I wanted to drop you a line before I went to pick up my daughter. I have been grading test all evening. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday.

How was your day today? Did you get something done that you really wanted to accomplish? Did you have a good dinner? Were you home this evening? Did you watch any TV? I just feel like I have to start asking questions somehow.

This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior All The Day Long. I like that song. 

Be Blessed and have a good evening.

Good Morning

Good Morning and God Bless you. Thank you Lord for another day. I give you all the praise and honor today and everyday. My day started early and I couldnt get back to sleep.

To answer some of your inquiries/concerns: I didnt go with the group to visit the "new" church of our former member. Also when I got the piece of paper from a member that writes your page, whom I thought was trusted by you, she was giving me the name of the contact person for the breakfast with santa because I am writing an article on the holiday events. the homeless dinner, the breakfast with santa and the toy giveaway. I needed the contact people and she passed the name and number to me of the person. I now have to findout who to talk to about the toy giveaway.

Its going to be a long day today. My coach is coming this afternoon. That's the one thing I'm looking forward to today. I'm struggling today but of course it won't show because I will put on a happy face and do what I have to do to get through the day. Take Care and have a wonderfully blessed day.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning

Thank you Lord for another day. Thank you for your tender mercies today. Guide me, walk with me and just be with me on my journey today.

I'm having some computer problems this morning. This is my second entry this morning. I mentioned the website to someone last night and they took great offense to my asking about it. What was that all about. I took my daughter home to her apartment yesterday after we left court. She needed time to be alone and think. I am not going to let this become all consuming in my life. I have my own issues to work out. I think I was beginning to feel caged. Looking out on the world in this trapped, confined state. Occassionally something of feeling and hope would penetrate through my eyes into my heart. There's too much sadness in me right now. I have covered my joy. Buried it deep within. I want my joy back.

Have a blessed day today and be a blessing to someone.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Food for Thought

The Panther

Rainer Maria Rilke, Trans.  Stephen Mitchell

In the Jardin des Plantes, Paris

His vision, from the constantly passing bars,
has grown so weary that it cannot hold
anything else.  It seems to him there are
a thousand bars and behind the bars, no world.

As he paces in cramped circles, over and over,
the movement of his powerful soft strides
is like a ritual dance around a center
in which a mighty will stands paralyzed.

Only at times, the curtain of the pupils
lifts, quietly—.  An image enters in,
rushes down through the tensed, arrested muscles,
plunges into the heart and is gone.