Friday, October 14, 2005

Too Serious

It seems I have been too serious with my church family. I have backed off on my relationship with them and turned down an invitation and I am suddenly "going through something" now. I'm the wounded cat that you brought home that sits in the corner. Poor pitiful me. Don't feel sorry for me. I am doing just fine. I will survive.

I've been rude this week too. Maybe you have heard, maybe not. I just haven't been myself. Well I'd like to know who I've been then if not myself.

I know there really has been a change in my world this week but I'm still here. We all overcome trials and tribualtions. But we are still standing. I don't know the plans God has for me or if I have done the things he wants me to do in the way he wants me to do them. I do know that I keep trying the best way I know how. Sometimes its not my all or my best but I just keep trying. Sometimes I get upset and don't like something and I'm not going to pretend that I do. Sometimes I make mistakes and I have to live with that. I'm not perfect.

I'm not really making my church family very happy right now because I won't let them in on my drama. Its not that I don't think they can help but sometimes its just somebody wanting to know your business. I ask for forgiveness now if I have offended anyone this week and I know I have. I'm going to stop here.

Take Care and have a blessed evening. I'm stopping because I'm beginning to get upset over this stuff and there's not really a need to be upset. I'm tired and I need some rest. Be Blessed.

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