Monday, May 22, 2006

My Dream Date

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and his dream came true. Though there is still work to be done. My dream will come true and yes, I too have work to be done.

My dream begins something like this...

I'm driving home with the music off. I have to do this because I have almost run the battery down with my external CD player. I had the car stop on me once, a couple of weeks ago, so I am determined not to have that happen again, hence, I ride without music. In the mornings, I am prayerful. On the ride home, I am thoughtful.

My dream on the ride home today was what if....

What if I decided to attend the movie tonight and tomorrow. Tonight I would go home and ask Lizzie if she wanted to go with me. She would say sure. We would get dressed and leave the house. When we arrived at the museum where the movie is being shown, we would see you. But this time when I see you I tell you about my daughter graduating and I ask you what do you think about what's going on in Darfur. I engage you in conversation. You have people around you and I prepare to leave, but you hold my arm. When you do that I hold your hand. While I am standing there, speechless, you are talking to someone else. How did this happen? What's going on? My mind is racing. Then I say, We should get our seats Liz. Then I ask you, Where are you sitting? You invite us to join you. We of course we say yes. We walk in and we are obivlious to the rest of the people. You do your introductions and then you are on the stage introducing the the film and the film maker. We watch the film together, holding hands. After the film is over you ask if we want to get some ice cream or dessert. After all it's your birthday. Lets celebrate your life. We say yes. You talk to some people again and we wander through the crowd. Because its a dream we dont have to know how we get to where we are going, we just get there. You have some people with you  but really its you and me. Its magical. We're on North Michigan. We're some place beautiful amid  little lights and the night is just a little crisp. We walk arm in arm. We just keep walking and talking. But the evening has to end. We don't want it to end, we don't know how we can go back to being what we were before. We don't even want to imagine being apart, but apart we must be. All good things come to an end. But then its my dream and like all fairy tales, I believe we live happily ever after.

The End.

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