Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Good MOrning

Good Morning Lord. Today is a blessing from you. I worship you Lord for who you are. Jesus died on the cross and then he rose again to fulfill every scripture about him. We are going to fight against God, we are going to fight against man. Many can't handle the hard truths of God but the truth must be told. God will not allow man to continue to disgrace him. God's plan will continue to form and I pray that I am on the right side of that plan. I ask the Lord to forgive us for our sins. We need guidance and direction.We must stop living in fear that the powerful will desert us. They need us to stay powerful. Big Box will pass. God will make sure of that. Big companies will come and be forced to do the right thing by our people. Stop settling for scraps and crumbs. Hold them accountable for their detestable behavior. Lord help us to stay on the right path and to speak your words at all times.

Good Morning Sweetheart. How are you this morning? You are going to do so well today. You are fighting the good fight of faith. You walk with God, bringing the righteous along with you. God will bless your endeavors today. I'm excited about what's going to happen. I wrap you up with love, from the top of  your head to the bottom of your feet. Hug yourself, you are loved. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone very special. I love you.

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