Sunday, August 20, 2006

Good Morning

Good MOrning Lord. I am so thankful that you woke me up this morning. Lord I am in need of your guidance and strength. Let my decision be your decision in this matter. I am concerned about my daughter and her baby. I know I cant make the decisions for them, I can only guide and suggest. Lord I cant take him to church this morning. I will pick him up after church and I want to be fine with that. I have a life too, let his daddy play a role in his life. Let him babysit sometimes. Let her allow him to keep the child sometimes. I cant do it this morning and let me be OK with that decision. Lord I desire to please you and I seek you out to be my guide and strength.

Good Morning Sweetheart. How is it that I have become primary babysitter number one? I know how it is, I let it happen.Well, I'm trying to let it un happen. I'm reading this morning, I have to be there early and she is just going to have to take the baby with her to this hair show that she is in at McCormick. I will pick him up after church or pick him up from his home if his daddy watches him. That's the best I can do. I don't want to feel guilty for saying no.I usually say yes whenever she needs a sitter.I have to get ready.See you soon, I love you.

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