Saturday, September 30, 2006




I am grateful and humble that the Lord has given me another day. I thank you for your lovingkindness and I am humbled by your love. I feel confident in your love. The attacks of satan may be a distraction but my God shall supply all my needs. My healing comes from the Lord and I have faith that I am healed. I walk by fatith and not by sight. My soul yearns for God Almighty. I glorifiy the Lord both day and night. I Love the Lord.

" My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior" Luke 1:47


Spiritual Bouquet: My spirit hath rejoiced in God My Savior, because He hath regarded the humility of His handmaid. St. Luke 1:47-48

I smile when I think of you. You are a treasure in my heart of hearts. I hope your day is going well. I love you.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Glory, Glory, Glory. Thank you Lord for today. You are the Lord Almighty in my life. You have once again proven yourself to be worthy of all the praise and all the honor and all the glory. Your are the great I AM. Nothing is too hard for you Lord. You have given me renewed faith and encouragement. I walk with you during good times and bad. You are worthy Lord. You are the greates. Lord you sent a donor to fund my grant. I wrote that grant proposal last year and I had forgotten about it. Then yesterday I get an email my grant has been fully funded. Books and a bookcase will be coming to my classroom in two weeks. Is that not amazing! Glory to you Lord. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I am a child of God and I know that sometimes I am undeserving but you have blessed me today. I cant wait to go to school and tell my principal. What a blessing. I did exactly what you told me to do. Remind God that I am a tither, I follow his word and convictions and let him know that satan and his two legged demons are attacking me. Sure enough, I proclaimed that to him, reminded him of his power and might in my life and I got a blessing. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. My health is improving and I am an overcomer. I love you. Have a blessed day today.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Good Morning


Good MOrrning Lrod. I know that you changeth not. I am healed by the blood of Jesus Christ. My weapon of defense is the word. Lord I confess your word over all travel plans for today. My family, my friends and my church. Lord God I pray that justice will roll like a mighty river. Let justice roll. Father God you know what is going on in my life. You know my struggles right now. I trust you God. I rely on you. I put everything in your hands. I love you God and I know that you Love me. I walk by faith and not by sight. I feel I have so much to do and so little time to do it. Lord give me peace and order. I do not want to feel disorganized and confused about things in my life. While I do not conntrol things I am not overwhelmed tby them. I love you Lord. I know that you can do all things. I put my rest and trust in you.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Good Morning

Thank you God for continuing to remind me just who you are. You are Alpha and Omega. You are worthy to be praised. Thank you Father God for bringing me closer to you. Daily I seek to be closer to you. Lord today is a day that I turn over all my troubles to you. Lord, you are building your kingdom here on earth. You said be still and know that I am God. I am still. I will rest on your word. I will use your word as my armor. I stand with you. My calm rests in you Lord. I confess that I do not have control over much. Lord forgive me for any prejudices that I may have displayed. Prejudices related to wealth, intellect, age, color and gender. I am  your child and part of your sheep. You made me and I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. We are one family and one blood. Lord I want to call an end to any type of division I have set up. Anything I have set up to separate myself break it down.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Good Morning

Good MOrning Lord. This morning I am struggling big time with these allergies. My eyes are terrible. They tell me at school that its the building. I know that my dilemma is due to stress also. I must remember to keep my spiritual health filled up to the brim. I have a lot of stress in my life now and its not going to get any better any time soon. I have to learn how to relieve my stress and take care of myself better. I cant break out in allergies and stuff every time things get stressful. A new baby, my father, my class. These are all factors that contribute to my stress. I must understand what I can control and control that. What I cant control I have to turn it over to God. I don't want to forget you and me in the process. I'm so busy taking care of others, I dont want to forget to take care of my spiritual and emotional self. I dont want to forget that ther is something between us.

Father God help me to find peace in the midst of my storm. Remind me to take care of myself. I'm excited about seeing you today. I have open house today. The children leave at 12:30. The open house begins at 3:30 until 6:00 or 6:30. I might be a little late but I will be there.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Good Morning

Thank You Lord for your loving kindness. You are full of authority. You will and your word be done. You speak with authority in our lives. You are worthy to be praised. I thank you for all that you have done for me and all that you are doing for me. I know you have plans to keep me safe and I rest in the peace that your will be done in my life.

I know that sometimes the situation seems hopeless but its not. We have a purpose and a goal to attain and I am fighting to keep the purpose on my to do list. I have distractions that demand attention but I feel God wants me to be occupied with something and this way I won't just think of myself. Well, having a grandson and a father come to stay with me in the same month was just a little too much. But of course I can handle it. Life changes no matter what we do or say about it. Have a blessed day today. Be a blessing to someone very special today. I love you.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Good Morning

Father God it is a good morning. I thank you for  your blessings and I thank you that all is well this morning. I have a sense of calm this morning. I believe everything is going to be all right. I believe that you have a plan for our lives. As I believe I become a disciple of your word and your will. My desire is to please you Lord. What satan thought would kill me has only made me stronger. As you always say, been there, done that, got the t-shirt and burned it. I feel stronger today than I have in a long time. Things are coming together. I don't mean its easy, but I do know that its doable.Glory to your name Lord. My God, My Savior.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

What Can I Say

Welll, its done. My father is now living with me. I moved him in today. My father, my mother, my two daughters, my brother and my grandson all in the same house. Thank God I have a big house. I pray that this is a good fit for us all. We are all willing to work at this. God will provide the strength we need to make this work. Thank you Lord that I can do this. They wanted to put him in a nursing home, I refused. He cant stay alone anymore. Who would have thought this time last week that my father would be living with me now. Well I will be at church for sure and Austin Michael will be with me. What a week. Be blessed and know that you are loved very much.

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Thank you for today. Thank you for your blessings. Today I have another opportunity to get it right. To do a little better than the day before. Count it all joy. Yesterday was a day of more tests. My father is out of the hospital. They have to get the results of the tests. So we wait.

Today I pick up my market day and go out to my dad's.I'm concerned that he needs someone with him 24/7.

My eyes have been bothering me. I have used the chalk board more this year and I think the dust is bothering my eyes. I'm going to have to get a dry erase board.

Jesus you are the sun after the rain. You are my healer. I can do nothing with you Jesus. I shall walk by faith and not by sight. Lord you are the lifter of my head. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Jesus you are my heart, my soul, my comforter. You sent the Holy Spirit to comfort me and be with me. I do not walk alone.Whatever happens happens. We walk this road together Lord. Thank you for your blessings.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Jesus Heals

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Well he's in the hospital now. I guess we'll know soon enough when the test results come back. We suspect kidney or liver. Could be prostrate too. At this point we just dont know until we have some results. I was negligent. I should have noticed something sooner. My aunt and uncle, who live ten minutes away from him but never go to visit, think I should have called 911 immediately.Maybe I should have. I took him to his regular doctor and they didnt seem too concerned because all his vital signs were within normal range and he didnt have a fever. Its something internal. My uncle thinks he was trying to just waste away without telling anyone anything. What makes you give up on life like that? I remember you had this strong sense of suicide a few months ago. I believe that was a sign for me to take notice. I'm tired, have a blessd evening.

good Night.

Good Morning

Praise God, Praise God, Praise God.

Sometimes when you don't know what to say you just have to give God the praise. The glory and the honor. I am asking God to keep me healthy to endure whatever the path is that I am under. I pray that God will keep me dilligent and responsible. This is a huge responsibility and the distance is wearing on me and my car. I have to realize that there are limitations in what the physicians can do and I have to call on the Lord, Our Savior and our God. His word is the final word. God reigns supreme.

Father God, keepme mindful of the mate that you have for me. Keep me from hindering my future. Help me to learn how to love and be loved. Help me to speak the truth with love. Help me not to hinder my mate but to help him. Lead me to people who can help me take a good look at myself, my self image and help me to becoming a whole person in mind, body and spirit. Help me to recognize the qualities you have chosen for me and to put those principles in practice. Keep my thoughts in line with your will and your word. God Bless you today. I love you.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Good Morning

Father God, forgive me for not recognizing something was going on sooner. I blame myself for not noticing the signs sooner. I should have checked the medicine sooner. I would have noticed the date was May of 2005. I definitely should have come over more often. When I did come over I noticed some things and I just shrugged them off. Lord thank you that I did not have to find a body. I know that he is finding it difficult to be alone. Human contact is important and he has pushed so many people away that they find it hard to come back to him. I'm his daughter and I will take care of him better than I have. Lord help me to help him. I know his days are fewer before him than what is behind him. He has given up, shut down and basically was ready to die. At 70 years old he has lost his zest for life. I have a daunting task before me today. I have to pay his bills, take him in for lab work, get his car started again, he probably hasnt driven it in over six months, the battery is dead, get him cleaned up, clean up the apartment as best I can and let him know that he is loved. How do we miss the signs? Now things make sense to me about what I was seeing and not understanding. He stopped thriving. The will to live just left him and he was content to just die. He has lost 88 pounds since May of 2005. That is a big concern. He had so many medical problems before, high blood pressure, diabetes, prostrate problems, now we have to begin to assess where his body is now. Kidney Failure is a reality that might be real also. I just dont know. I have more unanswered questions than I do answered. My heart longs for you. I was the caregiver of my grandfather for 9 years when I came back from Idaho. Now I am about to be the caregiver for my father for as long as I have to. I am where I need to be right now. I should have seen the signs sooner. The weight loss was a big giveaway. I love you and I miss you.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What a Night

My plan had been to go to my dad's, because he had not answered his phone for the last four days, check up on him, find him OK and then go to bible study.

When I get there, he is a mess, literally. He had been having diaharea and there is poop all over the floor. When I begin to clean it up, I notice it hard not soft. This has been here for a while. He is not in the best of conditions so I take him to urgent care. The doctor is concerned that he stopped coming to his appointments over a year ago. He has lost 88 pounds and stopped taking all of the different medications he was on. All of this occurred around May of 2005. I had noticed changes but I didnt really pay close attention until today. He was weak due to the fact he hasnt eaten for three days. The doctor put it as he had a failure to thrive. His will to live was diminished. We have to go back tomorrow to have test done. The doctor thinks its dementia or some other dibilating disease. My dad is 70 years old and I wasnt expecting this. The fact that I was over today made him happy. He said he has felt better than he has in a long time.

I wanted to be at bible study really bad today. I'm tired and I'm going to bed now. Be blessed.

Good Morning

Father God I bless your holy name. Your love for me displays great compassion. God I never want to say I am doing something for you with a bad attitude about doing it. I rejoice in the Lord at all times and I am grateful to be able to work in His kingdom here on earth. I will not grow weary doing good works for God. My attitude will continue to be one of gratitude and kindness throughout. When I wander I will always bring it back.

Father God My heart goes out to you this morning. I want to be sincere in my desire to help and educate children. It is easy to get upset and most of the time I hold my tongue. But when I don't and I let a situation get the best of me, let me realize that quickly. Some days are better than others with my children. Let me continue to make this a better day. Keep my heart and mind open to learn from them as well as passing along information about our topic for the day.

Have a blessed day today and be a blessing to someone special.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Love Conquers All

Good Morning

Father God I pray that you are listening to my prayers. You renew my strength and energize my mind. I believe that every need shall be met of every person whether its spiritual, physical, mental or financial.I thank you Father for supplying all of my needs.We are a success today through the name and power of Jesus Christ. Today is a day filled with success. We will praise the Lord and glorify his name.In all of our endeavors today we will bless the Lord.I thank you Father God that I have a job to go to and meetings to attend.You have granted me the freedom to choose and I choose life in Christ Jesus. I thank you Father God that you are in every place that we assemble today. Your authority and power reign supreme with the Holy Spirit. Thank you for loving me. Let those who hear us today hear the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Let my heart continue to desire to be near you.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

My Desert Place

When you are in a desert place its usually because you have come out of something. The problem is that in the desert you don't feel like you've come out of something, you think you have just been put into another hard, difficult place. I just don't want to think that you think I'm a gossip. I hardly even talk on the phone. I have very few friends, much more acquaintances and I am just not one to talk about people and stuff like that. Others will bring it to me and I will listen, does that make me a gossip. I hate that you think I'm a gossip. Why do you think that. Have you ever heard me talk about someone. Did someone say I talk about people. Its because of the people I talk to at church. The thing is I only talk to them at church. I am not one to talk on the phone. But you think I'm a gossip. Again, You don't know me.

I do have emotionally needy children and I know that I relate to them because I am emotionally needy. Together we need affirmations and love. You are very loving and reassuring. You have a good heart. I do love you.

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. I stay hopeful and committed to you Lord. I know that without having faith and trust in you Lord my world is incomplete. I trust you Lord. I commit myself to you. I recognize that you are worthy to be praised and that you alone are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I pray that I continue to develop in full knowledge and responsibility to the purpose you have for me. I pray for the tender mercies of Christ Jesus. I pray that I am humble. I pray that I continue to do good works for you Lord and that they are able to come into full, complete, divine, perfection. Let you will be done Lord.let me empty and you fill me up Lord. Less of me and more of you Lord. Father God I need your un merited favor and spiritual blessing. I honor you Lord.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. I have had my tea and I have spent time with my bible. I have so much to learn and sometimes I feel I don't have the time to learn it all. Lord I never proclaim to know it all, nor do I ever say that I am perfect. What motivates me to do the things that I do daily? I would like to think I am motivated by a desire to please God. As the two main commandments sum up, Love God the Father with all your heart and understanding and love your neighbor as yourself. Lord, today I will work on loving you. Busy day ahead. Lots of cleaning actually planned. A really big clear out of my spaces. I am changing my rooms around. I have lots of  junk that just needs to go. Preparations for the week to come and just a generally more relaxed day.  

Friday, September 15, 2006


I keep you at arm's length too.

I have been very distrusting lately.

I'm turning that over to God.

Good Morning

Good MOrning Lord. Discipleship requires us to leave things and take on new responsibilities. Lord you are worthy and recognizing that you are the highest and the best I seek your guidance, grace and mercy daily. Your are above all others. I pray that I may not just be a believer but a disciple. Search my heart and find it sincere.You have begun a good work in me Lord and I want to see it through completion. Believing in what seems unbelievable and unattainable is difficult. Especially when it looks like nothing is happening but once I am ready I know that the Lord will make things happen. Help me to prepare myself for that time Lord. Waiting is difficult Lord. Sometimes during the wait we are distracted and tempted by satan, but your word is my weapon against satan. Help me to remember that Lord during my times of trouble for you alone are the Most Holy and The Most High. I commit myself to you Lord.

Have a blessedly wonderful day and be blessed.


Thursday, September 14, 2006


Good MOrning Lord. Thank you for your blessings and thank you for your grace. I am praying for a good discipline plan today. For affirmative words from my mouth and for a safe environment for children and teachers. Lord it is not my will but your will on earth that I desire. I don't want to lose out on my blessing. Lord if I am the glove and you are the hand fill me with your Holy Spirit.

Have a blessed day today. Be safe, you are loved.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Hi Honey, I wanted to try to get another message to you. One that wasn't so hurried and short.

I was so excited this morning, I was up at an early hour and I had a good time reading and preparing my message to you. I wanted you to know that you were able to melt my heart and that I was not unforgiving. I am a forgiving person and I am a kind person. My struggles have been many but I imagine they are no more demanding than the next person. I know that you have many struggles that I don't know anything about and I don't like to be a burden.

I felt that I needed a big ceremony to say that I will beging to talk to you again in my journal but it wasnt necessary. I just need to start talking again. I miss you. I didnt even write in the paper journal. I wrote once, at the beginnning and that was it. My heart wasnt in it. My heart is here because I know you are here. Don't give up on us. I havent.

I came home earlier today. I have been staying late, preparing for the next day. I have a very challenging class and I need to really prepare for them. My other eighth and seventh grade classes are a piece of cake compared to the ones I have now. I think they gave me all the tough ones because they knwe I would work on them individually and I will. I will take the time to help them individually even though I have 33 students in my class.

What are youdoing right now? I hope you are making plans for our future because that's very important to me.  I'm very excited about the plans God has for you and me.

Be blessed and have a good evening. I love you.

Good Morning Sweetheart

Good Morning Sweetheart

My first entry, which I thought was really good, got deleted. Now I have to try to remember what the finer points of what I said were. Yes, I'm writing to you, in this journal. Never say never.

Remember the good things of God. God's perfect faithfulness.

Try not to grumble so much.

Know that you are working through some things and they will be difficult.

Keep believing in God's prefect faithfulness.

Try to be kinder to one another.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special today. Know that you are loved.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! Psalm 133:1

It is good to live in unity. The fellowship of the brothers and sisters.

Praise the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised. Praise the Lord and give thanks to the Lord.

His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord. The Lord is worthy and good. Praise the Lord for the Lord is great.

I sing praises, praises unto you. I will sing praises, praises unto you.

Lord my heart rises with joy when I sing praises to you. My soul returns from the depth when I sing praises to you. "How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign Land?" Lord I shall praise the Lord at all times. Your praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Lord you have much to say and I pray that I am listening. I give Lord. I can't fight with you . You always win. When I stop struggling the the peace comes in. I feel as if I am constantly on the offensive. But who knows when the theif will come. I am continuing to feel personal attacks, but arent we all imperfect in some way? Am I vindicated when I say, I knew this wouldnt work, I knew he wouldnt stay?  Does that make the loss any better?  Then the Lord says to not to trust your understanding of the situation, but to have faith in Him. I give up. I'm done. You win.Maybe if I am able to let go, to lose it, to know that it is not mine to have then I might gain an understanding. Let go and let God.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Today Lord I am humble. I exault your name above all the other names. You are the Most Hig God. The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords. I honor you and praise you today. You are worthy to be praised. I acknowledge that without you, nothing would be done in my life. I seek your guidance and love. I constantly want you to guide me and protect me. Your will is my desire. Pride goeth befor the fall Lord and I want the world to know that you are my God and your will is my desire.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Believe in the Ridiculous

Good Morning

Sometimes I wake at the strangest hours. I was up at 4am. Went back to sleep at 6:30. Back up again at 9am.  We have a lot of furniture moving and cleaning and geting things together. I'm helping my daughter clean out her room and her apartment today. I have to visit my father today and I have to get my stuff together for Monday. Lesson Plans, parent letter and things to the cleaners. I need a three day weekend for all of that. Lord I ask for your guidance and love today so that I am able to accomplish at least half of the things I want/need to do. My allergies are bothering me a little and I am tired but I am healing also. Today I am moving like a turtle. Be blessed today and stay safe.

Friday, September 8, 2006

Date Night

Never, ever, ever, think that I have forgot that Friday is our date night.

Sometimes I may be babysitting or just too tired, but I always, always, always, remember that Friday is our date night.

Tonight I have no baby. Events have happened this week that have unfolded to require Mom to move in with me. The details are unimportant, lets just say more of what was already going on continued to go on.

Today was the last day of the first week of school. I am so exhausted. My children this year are on the bottom rung of the learning ladder. I have non readers who have managed to make it to seventh grade. I am amazed at that. I have social studies this year. I teach two eighth grade classes and two seventh grade classes. I do have an enrichment class in each grade but then I also have the lowest students in each grade. I am invograted by the challenge. Having to do separate lesson plans is a bit demanding but I love a challenge. Do not make it boring for me.

I have more car problems but that too shall pass. What are you doing?  I love you. Good Night.

Good MOrning

Good MOrning Lord. Thank you for loving me. I am praying today for my nation, my world, and my pastor and congregation. Lord we are standing firm. United in spirit and purpose. We worship you and give you all the honor and praise. Lord we recognize your glory and we praise you daily.Lord I pray for my pastor that his heart is sincere and his mind is pure. He is a God fearing man and he loves the Lord. Protect him and nourish him today. Guide him through his day today. Keep him safe and love him. I shall bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my  mouth. Have a blessed day today and know that I love you.

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Thank you for today. I am blessed and highly favored today. I seek your guidance and your comfort. I know that you bring hope to the hopeless. Those that are grieving today, help them to find peace in your world. Bring comfort to the lost, counsel those that need guidance, help those who feel helpless, intercede with our lives and defend us to the end, strengthen our resolve and gird us. Lord, never leave us without your support and your love. Bind up the broken hearted and the sorrow and pain.Lord today will be monumental for her if she follows through. Lord give her the strength to follow through. Remind her to protect herself and her child. Remind her that we love her.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Good Morning

Lord I thank you for another day and I pray for the blessings of my household, classroom and community. Those things under my care and authority I pray that I am thoughtful and considerate when I respond. I know Lord that this classroom is more emotionally needy. I consider myself emotionally needy and at first I felt I had very little to give them but through prayer and reflection you have given me insight into my strength and what I have to offer them. Bless this household Lord.

As for me and my household we will serve the Lord. Put on then the whole armor of God.

I will praise you at all times and bless your holy name. I worship you in spirit and in truth.Lord I acknowledge and welcome your presence in my life. You give me everything I need to grow and mature. Lord I move forward today with your blessings and favor. All is well with my house, all is well.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. I am humble before you Lord. I thank you for blessing me and for loving me today. I am full of anxiety and I know that I need to be calm. Thank you for the angels you have assigned to accompany me today. Thank you for the angels assigned to my children at home and in school. Give the children an appetite for earning. An appreciation for education and people who are there to help them. I trust you Lord to be the protector over all children today. Give us all understanding hearts and wisdom in order that we may walk in the ways that rever your holy name. Let us uplift you in everything we do today and everyday. Let the world be adherent to your word. Let our hearts and minds be acceptable to you Lord. Let me be on time, be energetic and open to learning new thing from my students. Let the parents be responsible and able to send their child to school with a full stomach, supplies and a good attitude. Also Lord if nothing seems to go my way today, I will still rejoice in the fact I am a child of God and God is my father and I am his child. I have roses in my room, I'm going to send you a picture of them.

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!... 1 John 3:1

1 John 3:1

Monday, September 4, 2006

Good Night

I am finally on the road to mending. My tantrum is over. You know, I can't go through the line when I have my grandson. The carrier is just too heavy to wait in line. Nothing personal, I just can't hold that thing for that long.

I'm taking meds to counter the reaction and I hope to be better by the end of the week. I can go to school tomorrow and meet my new class. I am excited about meeting them. A new school year always brings about new expectations. I pray for a good bunch of children. I know that all is well with my soul. This rain needs to stop. I guess summer is officially leaving. Fall is on the way.  Good Night My Love, Yes, I Love You, Always and Forever.  I chose this album cover because Ella has a song on it entitled Good Night My Love. I didn't know that but then again maybe I heard it as a child and didn't know.