Monday, September 4, 2006

Good Night

I am finally on the road to mending. My tantrum is over. You know, I can't go through the line when I have my grandson. The carrier is just too heavy to wait in line. Nothing personal, I just can't hold that thing for that long.

I'm taking meds to counter the reaction and I hope to be better by the end of the week. I can go to school tomorrow and meet my new class. I am excited about meeting them. A new school year always brings about new expectations. I pray for a good bunch of children. I know that all is well with my soul. This rain needs to stop. I guess summer is officially leaving. Fall is on the way.  Good Night My Love, Yes, I Love You, Always and Forever.  I chose this album cover because Ella has a song on it entitled Good Night My Love. I didn't know that but then again maybe I heard it as a child and didn't know.

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