Good MOrning Lord. I am thankful and hopeful that I get things together the way you want me too. Each day I find myself realizing that I must purposefully stride towards your goal for me in my life. I take individual respondisibility for my actions. I have to move with whatever steps you allow me to move towards you. Baby steps, giant strides or just the knack of standing still. I know that if I want my promise, I have to go after it wholeheartedly. I seek you Lord. I seek your promise and your blessings. I pray that I am continuing to seek you daily.
I think the evening went well. I left around 11pm. I found myself searching for you with my eyes. I expected you to look hansome and you did. You circulated very well. I hope everything stayed under control and you were able to get some rest. I know that I must be more cognizant of my duties and my abilities. I plan to get a laptop. I need access to the computer whenever I want. With my Dad in the family room now, I cant go to the computer whenever I want. The month of December is a very spirit filled month and I want to press on towards my goal. If I have to take note cards and speak from there I will. Be blessed today. I'm reading so I have to get there early and you know that's not my forte. I will be there though. I love you.
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