Well today was one of the best or should I say better days I have had at school in a long time. Maybe it was because we had testing in the morning, maybe it was that I only had one student show up for after school and that student was from another class. My thought is that I have had an opportunity to evaluate my relationship and my life with God. I was fasting today and I did in fact fast all day without telling anyone or letting anyone know that I was fasting. My day was uneventful. I was able to do some posters for the class and then go home. I am watching Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. What questions does this bring up. Many. What answers, none. Information is power, as knowledge is power.
I cant stop thinking about the bible study. I think about it because it is about David. One of the things that affects me is the fact that David was not a good family man. The next chapter tells us about how he handled his son's sexual violation to one of his daughters in a very poor manner. When I think about the passage where David committed adultery and then murder we can easily think that he though it OK for his son to feel that way and to do what he did but that is not the case. I think David is our ultimate human being. He loves the Lord. He magnifies the Lord. He is a champion of the Lord, but when it comes down to his own actions and his own off spring following the principles and the teachings of the Lord then we see the conflict. When ever it requires us to individually follow and depict the principles, it becomes a problem. David, after he meets Bathsheba and begins to deal with his children, from her and others, he realizes that, as children often do, they thrust our foibles in our face. They will act and react in any manner that we have in our past. Of course they know all of our sins and rely little on our accomplishments. David is one of my favorite Kings and also one of my most detested. His humanity towards women is disgusting. He only takes Saul's family member as his wife to honor his allegiance to Jonathan. Not God. Then his wife, Bathsheba must endure the gossip and death of her husband to be with David on a legal and just way. His daughters cannot find any allegiance from him. His sons are basically denying him and he is thought to be the King. David is our human King and his allegiance to God is awesome and magnifying. But again he is a man and he has faults. I love him because of his courage and conviction. He knew what he wanted and went after after it, he is a man after my own heart. When ever I hear anything about David, I am always reminded that he is human and that he, just as I do, will make and has made, mistakes. So I know that when God calls us to complete a task that we should be faithful and diligent until it comes to pass. Even if we grow tired or discontent. Our discouragement is only a way to block our path to God's vision and purpose in our life. If we grow weary the we have to call on God to rebuild his temple in us. Rebuild your temple in me LORD. Give me a renewed vision of how your plans and purpose are the ultimate goal in this world. Keep me focused.
There is a possibility that a I might get a ticket for Friday. I'm hoping, I'm hoping, I'm hoping.
Good Night and be blessed.
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