Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Good Night

 Well what do we say? What hasn't been said? Where do we go from here? I guess we just keep on doing what we have been doing. Never give up, never give in. Sometimes the fight, the journey, the battle, needs a kick. Something new in the mix. I know in three weeks starting on June 15th I will ready to end this journey. 

Tomorrow is a personal day for me. I get to watch the little man during his swimming lesson. he will be one year old on Sunday, My how time flies. I was humbled by that experience. She made a mistake, but we move on. We never blame the baby for her mistake. My youngest is in a job that requires long hours from her. She is now at the airport and has to get there early and leave late. She is so grouchy. Its not my fault she has a job that works her twelve hours a day. We all have stuff in our lives that isn't fair. I hope she finds a way to make peace with that job. Otherwise, move n. She's young enough.

How was your day today? I didn't get a chance to put out my lesson plan for tomorrow so I have to go in early and put it out. I could just leave nothing but that just doesn't help the substitute maintain any kind of order and with my kids you have to start with some kind of plan. Well have a good night. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

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