Stop the violence
identify those who need help
silent outcry
impact of witnesses and those injured and the ones who perpetrates the crime.
23 students killed by gunfire. Second largest since tracking gun violence
guns recovered on the streets of the city are test fired to find out if they have been used in other crimes. All shapes and sizes. Days when they have 30 guns retrieved. Fire arm vault is huge. Generally destroyed.
Where do the guns come from. The local area. Someone with a clean background purchases the gun and turns it over.
Students speak with a former gang member. Operation Cease Fire. Many are destroyed and many continue to come in.
They all have easy access to guns. Change the laws. Go after the legislature. Think about the second amendment. Change the home and the family. Make sure we are not holding guns in our own home.
Many students feel the right to bear arms is more important than the life of students.
The Blair Bill. National Registry of all handgun purchased. Every handgun must be registered.
Protest against gun bill raised many obstructions. Many in the NRA have come against Pfleger. This is very unfortunate. Many want to keep the gun.
What about the people hurting.
The educational system failed her child.
She epected more social workers to step in. More social workers to work with the problems of the students. The 5 1/2 hours cannot solve the problem.
We cant blame the public school system alone. Parents will cry out for help and help them raise their child. The community is necessary to help raise the child when the parent is unable to do it.
Parents in the inner city schools are struggling already. The parents need help and the children are being lost. Families are broken. City loads are greater than the suburbs. Enough talking about what needs to be done and more about
Students think its very surreal when they have violence around them. They worry about revenge. Snitching is a very scary thing. Students are afraid to tell the truth.
More males standing up and bonding with the males.
The killings are part of pride.;
We need to invest in our youth.
Team leaders need to come together.
Schools cant do everything.
Communities need to come together.
Community need to monitor the report cards and have assistance where the parents are able to have help monitoring their children.
Encouragement and hope. I see you, I am interested and I know you are their.
We need to come together and help our children. Draw the line, let them know that violence is not acceptable.
Talk to our children about their dreams. Listen to them so they respect themselves and they respect others. We have learned to save the whales and save the elephants, why cant we save our children.
31 CPS students who lives came to an end too early. Its so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.
That's the end of the show.
What did I get out of it. People ready to talk about guns, violence and children. People who are in the trenches with the children and know the struggle that has been going on for a long, long time. I heard students who had a voice in the decision. Children who possibly have the solution to the problem because they are part of the problem. Were the students the ones who are the shooters. Only one was a former gang member and he said how guns will continue to come in. The students were afraid of revenge and retaliation. They may know something but the fear of being found out was too great. Fear of being hurt themselves stop many of them from telling the truth. The students have to be willing to tell on the ones with guns and the ones doing wrong. They are the ones who have the guns and get the guns and use the guns. Lets stop them.
You of course seem to be growing in wisdom everyday. You were an important part of the talk, yet you did not dominate the session. You are an over comer and the fact that they mentioned your tragedy with your son in 1998 did not shatter you. You are victorious and a ray of sunshine. Does this seem too positive. I just want you to know that you really did a good job. You were a success and that means a lot to me. You light up my life and I think you are getting the job done by keeping the real focus in the forefront. Thank you for being a positive part of my life.