Sunday, June 3, 2007

Let it Go, Let It Be

Well I am finally able to sit down and write. I have been grading tests and I had to finish them. Anna finally took a huge stack and that helped a lot. The baby has a temperature. We are concerned right now. When they are little like that you never know what little bug is bothering them. He has gotten all of his shots that he's suppose to have. Its like a little puppy. He has all of his shots, but he's still vurnable to stuff going around just from other children. He had that pool party the other day and he was around a lot of children. This is just initial worry. Everything is going to be all right. I have a book I want to give to you.

Your sermon was very good and right on time. I needed to hear it. I am putting my efforts in areas that I shouldn't. I need to be more of me and to just relax and be comfortable with that. I am what I am. I don't seek others approval. I do what I do because I don't know what else to do. So I will cry until you tell me, let it go let it be. My assignment is to do God"s will. I think my assignment is you. You have a lot of stuff going onthat can be very distracting and discouraging. You are a wonderful man of God. You speak the truth and continue to let God be the judge. Stay focused on the assignment. Don't be distracted by good deeds, and intentions. As my grandma used to say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  I am so glad I have a place to go when trouble comes. I love the Lord. He heard my cry. Good Night and May God bless you. I'm going to listen to today's service again.

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