Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Conversation

Today was just not going well.

Here I was, suppose to pick up an order that my daughter had called in but she didn't call it in so I had to wait. Then this man begins to talk to me. He had been talking to the man behind the counter when I came in about what happens to the soul when you die. I was tired and wasn't going to get involved in this conversation. He thought differently. When I sat down to wait for my order, minding my own business mind you, he comes over. Turns out he is a Jehovah Witness and thought he was going to convert me and tell me how wrong my thinking is and how right his is. That is the first mistake. Don't tell me I am wrong and you are right. God has no right religion. What ever you do don't start quoting bible verse tags. read this, read that, oh no read this one. That does not impress me, now sway me to believe that you know anything about God or that you will guide me to heaven. Thank God my order was ready and I just left.

There's a shaking going on and its not from that jerk. Maybe he wasn't a jerk and maybe he had a message for me from God. I'm being sarcastic now.

I thank God for the great price he paid to cleanse me from sin. I ask God to cleanse and purify my life of anything that displeases him. Forgive me for my sins and walk with me on this road.

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