Thursday, November 8, 2007

Good Morning

Glory be to God. This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Today is report card pickup day so we start at noon and finish at 6:15pm. Not 6 but 6:15pm. But of course I have a meeting for the area science fair coordinators at 10 am. They love to take up my time. Saturday is another day of training. Next Saturday, another day of training. But enough of that, I really don't mind the training, I love classes. I am that life long learner. I just don't like it taking up my Saturdays and my free time. We do get paid for it, I'm just being grouchy right now. Science Fair is rounding the corner and I have lots to do. I pray that it all goes well. I have my AP giving me time away from class. I was shocked she did that yesterday, i could us about two more of those so that I can really give a bam bam bam science fair.

Well I better get ready, cant be late for the meeting, Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone special. I love you.

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