Sunday, December 23, 2007

Do Not Grieve Darling


Today's sermon was very informative. I love the fact that we had five things to learn today instead of the usual three. I only remember two things though. Be ready for the unexpected. God will come into your best laid plans and upset everything. Be ready to still follow God's will, no matter what. Then there was the fact that I have to be ready.
The fact that I am in line and God is ready but I am still looking around on the shelves for something else. Now I may be wrong but I know that I am not looking for another person to be my mate. i know that you are the only one that I am looking for. You are the only one that I am wanting to be in my life. Now if that is not what you are getting then we are not on the same page. If God has told yo to stay where you are and to not be married then I have to say I don't believe that. I have not been told that and I <SPAN id=sp-4 title=" know, known, knows, knew, keno, knowing, Kino" style="BACKGROUND: url(undefinedimages/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000" _backupTitle="null"> God loves me and wants the best for me. God would not lead me to you in a special way and then tell you that he wanted you and me to be alone. No way. I know that there is no one for me but you and I will not settle for anyone else. I am ready for a life of single hood if this doesn't work, but it will work.  See I don't need or want a huge wedding with lots of people. I will not go to the end of the line for anything. If I am at the front of the line then I am the one asking for a price check holding up the line until I get what I want. God will not leave me in line. I refuse to give up. Its only gotten harder, not impossible.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone special. I love you.

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