Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St Paddy's Day

Hello Darling

Yes I a speaking words of love and encouragement. I'm not bipolar or manic I'm just constantly trying to adjust to a truly different situation.

I hear from you, wait, not yet, I still have so much to do. When I just get this done, then its time for me and you baby. In the mean time just wait. Get involved, do something to get your mind off of the waiting. I'll be ready for you soon. I have some things that need to be done and I have to do them first. Fine, OK. Let it happen. I don't want to rush things before they are ready.

Its just that sometimes...sometimes...sometimes...I miss the look from your eyes. the touch of your hand, the sound of your voice, just being in the same room with you. That's when I know that there's more to this than meets the eye. God said it, so I know it will happen as some point. It taint me, its you. I'm waiting.

Be blessed and have a good night.

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