Thank You Lord for everything.
I have so much to be thankful for.
Thank You for all that I am.
Thank you for today.
I feel rushed somewhat because this is my last week of vacation.
I have this to do list and I am trying to get things done as soon as possible.
How are you doing? What are you thinking about? This has been quite a summer for you so far. 2008 will definitely be a year to remember. Good and bad.
I have watched the Rikers Island High School. The Bloods and Crips Gang. Freedom Writers. Douglass High. anything that relates to high school children, young people in the big cities and how they are coping or not coping. One young boy said "its like the devil is just sitting on your shoulder every day" its so oppressive for them. They smoke all day, drink most of the day and just shoot for the heck of it. It gives them power.
The big thing now is that the older generation, us, we dont understand. Hasnt it been like that all the time. Every generation says that. There's the divide of the tweens and teens, the twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, and on and on. The gap continues to widen.
Overcoming weariness is a big thing. Be blessed tonight and try to be a blessing,.
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