Wednesday, May 4, 2005


The name of Jesus

"..protect them by the power of your name-the name you gave me-so that they may be one as we are one." John 17:11

There is power in the name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

The name you gave me...

protect them by the power of your name...protect the power of your name.

So that they may be one as we are one.

Thank you Lord for your protection. Thank you, thank you , thank you.

My day was OK. The kids asked to pray again today. I thought, here I am in a public school, with children who have tried to drive me crazy and they are now asking to pray. I'm sure we will pray tomorrow also. If only they were better. Its like the prayers bring out the worst behavior. The imps get upset and make the kids perform at their worst sometimes. Its like when they had mass at school, the little demons would be upset and start stirring things up in the children. I just ask God to bring some unity and stability to that classroom.

How was your day today? Did you have a good day? Were you able to do something you wanted to do today? Remember that God will give you the desires of your heart, he wants you to have joy in your heart. My hand to my heart, to my screen, to you.

I'm through for today. School, then class until 8:30, I am exhausted. Off to bed for me. Take Care and be blessed. Good Night.

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