Monday, May 9, 2005

There is Power in Prayer

God help me to like children again cause I'm not liking them very much right now.


"God's forgiveness and love exist for you as if you were the only person on earth." Cecil Osborne

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

I listened to one of your Sunday sermons from Feb 14, 2003, on my way home today. I had about a two hour ride home today so I managed to listen to the whole thing. "Do You Love Me" was the title. It was good. I remember it. I used to wonder that myself. We used to sing "I need you, you need me" alot.

"God sometimes puts us in the dark to show us that Jesus is the light" I read this today. I feel like I am in the dark sometimes.

I know in the morning I will feel renewed and have a better attitude about the kids.They just annoy me with their nonchalance about education. They truly don't get it that if they don't learn now the new institutions they are building for them now are called prisons. Most of them do not care. 12 through almost 16 years old. Thats the range of ages in my class. Not all are terrible, but the ones who are make it hard for the others to learn.

Enough about my school days. How was your day today? Are you excited about the rally tomorrow. I will pray tonight and tomorrow. I decided to drive to the church. Parking will be difficult in that area and I can just drive home from there.

I'm going to get on the treadmill and walk off some anxiety. I'm going to try to do this everyday. I need some kind of outlet for this.

OK, well, be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I'm signing off with with my hand to the heart to the screen signature. I like that because its real to me. I just feel I have to connect and I have to keep trying to make the connection real. Real, up close and personal. Good Night.


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