Sunday, July 31, 2005
Saturday, July 30, 2005
I've spent most of the day cleaning one of my dad's apartrments. We spent the day throwing stuff away, cleaning floors and vacumming. All to his music. Old Bill Withers and Teddy Pendegrass. When I graduated from grammar school we sang Bill Withers Lean on Me for our class song. Corpus Christi, its closed now. We just have to paint and fix some of the closet doors. After we stopped cleaning I fixed him dinner and made some meals for the week. I'm tired now so I'm going to get ready for tomorrow.
I didnt go out last night, I knew I would start this day early and I just decided to stay in. I'm getting ready for tomorrow. I pray that you have had a good day and a good night. I pray that tomorrow is a good day too. I'm sure it will be, I have faith.
Friday, July 29, 2005
"A good laugh is sunshine in the house" William Makepeace Thackeray (what a name)
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy." Job 8:21
Be happy. I went to wonem's workout and I'm happy. I have been wanting to go all summer and I finally got off my butt and went. Now I just have to keep going. I have a membership and its just wasting away. It comes up for renewal in Sept. If I can continue to go regularly then I will renew.
I'm suppose to go to a book signing tonight then to a friend's house for some games. Scrabble, Monopoly, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Taboo, stuff like that. Just games. I'm so exhausted after the workout I may not make it. I might just miss the book signing.
How was your day today? How are sleeping? How are the headaches? Have you been able to find some relief?I pray for you in the morning when I wake up. Five A.M. and I feel the need to pray for you. You must be up then. I pray for healing. Complet and total healing.
Take Care and enjoy the rest of your day. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Floodgates of Heaven
This morning when I was having my quiet time I read about the guard saying to Elisha, even if the flood gates of heaven open... I was like, what, the flood gates is what we have been singing about. Very interesting. Open the floodgates of heaven lord and let it rain.
I'm headed over to my fathers today and I will be ther most of the day.
Take Care and be blessed. I had a dream about you. That you decided to have an operation. Then my car was stolen. Go figure.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Heavenly Help
Well, my prayers were answered. I have a job. It's as an 8th grade Reading/Language Arts Gifted Teacher. Sounds scary but I can handle it. The interview went so well. Within thirty minutes they were offering me the job. I know that this is going to be better than the last one, just because I have more experience.
I don't want to ignore help from God or his direction or intervention. I pray that this is a good choice and that the school is a good fit for me. I want to enhance the students thinking skills and the need for education. Lord, Open the Floodgates of Heaven and let it Rain. I just give thanksgiving and praise for all that the Lord has done for me.
I watched Coach Carter when I got home last night so I could write something for the praise report. One very prolific thing that I remember from the movie was"what do you fear"? Then finally when he figured it out he recited poetry about fear, our greatest fear being not that we will do poorly, but that we will succeed. We fear our greatness of what we can achieve. I remember you preached on something similar to that also. We fear our own acheivements. I fear our acheivements together. I see good things happening and great things being acomplished. Why would I fear that? One of the things I know about you is that you aint afraid of nothing. I love it. You take the challenge by the horns and go at, win or lose, your faith keeps you strong. You are a force to be reckoned with.When I'm around you I just trust in Jesus Christ to make all thing possible.
I know I have to let go of the idea that we can save ourselves. I say I want Christ to save me yet I continue to do it my way. I ask for help, God sends help and I cant seem to walk out on faith with the help that he sends. I question whether this was help from God or was it me being in control again? How do I know the difference?
I just ask God to humble me and I just continue to spend time in reflection, thanksgiving and worship. I want to grow spiritually.
Take Care of yourself and be blessed. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.
Good Morning
Good Morning and God Bless You today.
Pray that you are feeling better today and that everything goes well for you today.
I am getting ready for an interview today and I just had to say good morning to you today. I think the recommitment went well and I pray for a new birth of commitmentment.Take Care of yourself and have a Blessed and Glorious day,
Monday, July 25, 2005
I had to say something today. God just wouldn't let me be silent.
I don't know where this is going but I'm definately along for the ride.
Good Night and God Bless You.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
My Trinity
Breaking through the flesh.
Here I am, alone, not smoking, not having sex, not really doing much of anything. I haven’t wanted to do any of those things for a long time and have not been doing them for a very long time, years, and years. Too many flesh thoughts. Too much anticipation for me. Sickness, depression, and doubt. I don’t want any of it to cloud my reasoning and thoughts. .
Not enough sleep. Let God be God. Let me not put my agenda first. When I think about this experience I wonder what is God getting out of this? Where is he edified in ths situation. I wouldn’t want someone to think that I need to be loved more than G0D. Never .
That my needs surpass his needs. I don’t want to be thought of as needy and fearful. I don’t think God would send you to a woman like that and I don’t think God would send me to a man who thought that was OK to be like that.. What would you want with someone who was not able to commit? You deserve better. I continue to say I am looking for God to be in this situation.
I could easily become flattered by attention from a handsome man, with power and self confidence. I could walk only in the flesh and just revel in the physical relationship that could be possible. Its obvious to me there is an attraction. Its easy to say there’s flirting and eye contact and there’s a connection, just go for it. But I want God. I want God to weigh in on this. How do I get God in on this? Is he here and I’m ignoring him, why? If so then what kind of woman am I? Why would you care about someone who can’t or won’t follow God’s word?
Is it really His word that I am hearing and if its Him why am I ignoring it? I want the wisdom to see and hear and understand when the word is from God. I search for God in all that I do. Am I so blind and ignorant that nothing I do is really for him? Is all of this just talk from me? How can I say I am here for God, I want God, and I truly think I believe I want God, and find myself not walking in his word? I’m not making blatant sins of sex, drugs and violence. I call myself a Christian in the spirit, searching for the truth. So I continue to worship and praise God. Hoping that I’m pleasing him some kind of way. I don’t want to put anything before God and I don’t want anyone to think that I am going to church to see them only and not God. God is my one true love, no one is before HIM.
I continually say whether this works or not I will still be at church and I will still worship God. If I don’t get it right ever and this is as far as we ever get in this relationship I will still worship God. I question, I struggle, I wonder, and have new insights on God’s revelation to me but I will not let go of God.
There is nothing above him, not family, religion, not relationships, Nothing. I know what God has done for me and what he can do for me. I know he saved me. I know. I continue to worship to strive for his dimension. I want to come in and stay in so that He can give me what I need. I don’t want to be scared. I need to have less control and give it over to God. I want to be in his presence. I don’t want just a taste I want the whole portion.
I want to give my all. Also knowing that giving my all is not just enveloping myself in a relationship with man but its giving my all to God and relationships with man will develop the way God wants them to. I want to do it God’s way.
I say, God I’m not having sex, I’m not smoking anything, not watching porn, not drinking, but I’m still searching for the truth. Searching for the areas that I fall short of the glory of God. Searching for answers, searching for solutions, hoping to be in the right place at the right time to receive God’s favor.
I just don’t see anything positive out of this journal. Is it making me sound more controlling, more fearful, more pitiful. I don’t think you really know me from this journal alone and that’s really the only piece of me you have access to. I don’t proclaim to know you just from sermons and bible study twice a week. I know there’s more to you than that. I have thought about ending this journal.
I began it as an outlet for my feelings, which was flesh taking over. Now its become a message board to someone who is right here for me. I think its taken on importance than it should not have. If I don’t post in the morning I feel guilty. I cautiously choose my word to not offend or to not be misunderstood but it continues to happen. I look forward to posting, I don’t know what to say to not sound arrogant or controlling. I’m just going to stop for a week and see what happens.
I very much want God to breakthrough this week and weigh in on this decision. I haveenjoyed the communication on a fleshly level and I want to breakthrough the flesh on this. So this is going to be the last entry for a week, until next Sunday. I plan to worship, meditate and praise the Lord for this week. I want my focus to be on God and this journal has been on you lately. I bless you this week and I pray that you have a blessed and glorious week. I pray for your healing this week and for more blessings than you can imagine. This is one week, seven days, I can do this and come out stronger or not. I feel, I think this needs to be done. Let God's faithfulness rain down on us this week.
Good Morning
Good Morning, Good Morning, God Bless you this morning.
We have another day in the Lord's grace and mercy. This is the day that the Lord has made. I'm excited about seeing you today.
I pray that today is a good day and that everything works together as God has planned it.
Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
"God doesn't want us to know the future, He wants us to know Him. He wants us to trust Him to guide us into the future one step at a time." Stormie Omartian
"I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be thier God, for they will return tome with all their heart." Jeremiah 24:7
Hello, how was your day. Busy I would imagine. Lots of things going on today. I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. I want to get there early too. I have to drop my daughter at work too, thats why I not up near the front anymore. I imagine it might be a lot of seats tomorrow with the threat of exteme heat tomorrow. I will still be there. I hope you are taking care of yourself and listening to the doctor.
Good night and God bless.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Happy Friday.
I hope you are having a good day. I hope you are feeling well.
I hope, I hope, I hope.
I know that all things work together for the good for those that love the Lord (Romans 8) and I believe things are continually being worked out for me.
I have following up on my leads and trying to prepare for my interviews next week. Just tyrying to stay busy. I have the garage to finish before the summer is over and I really need to get back to that. I just sort of put it off and havent returned to it. Sunday is my mother's birthday so we are celebrating it on Saturday so that I can have my Sunday. We are going to take a cruise and have dinner downtown. Nothing much really going on.
Take Care and have a blessed evening.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Good Evening
Hello, this was such a better day. four interviews for next week. Two really good possibilities. I think there's hope. Of course all of them are at schools like the one I just left. Don't think I haven't thought about your school too. It was a consideration.
I'm just pressing on. Trying to stay focused and listen to God's will in my life. I was so taken aback at all the people at this event. Especially the older ones. So many of them looking for jobs. It just really pulled on my heart.
I going to end this with some quotes. This has been almost a year since I started this journal and I'm still here. I have read my letters from the New Year's Eve watch (2003 and 2005) and I have one reoccurring theme that I am continuing to work towards, you. So be blessed and have a blessed evening and as you say, be blessed and be a blessing to someone.
"Change can be accomplished most of all through prayer, becaouse with God all things are possible." Wilfred Peterson
"...With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27
"The great thing to remember is that, though our feelings come and go, his love for us does not." C.S. Lewis
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail." Lamentations 3:22
Good Morning
Good Morning and God Bless you Today and everyday.
I am going to the career fair and I'm hoping for some good results. I'm meeting my friend there also. She was displaced also. She's 60 and feels more aprehension because of her age. I think for me at 47 its not that big of a difference when they can have someone 22 right out of school and very inexpensive. Not that I'm expensive but a master's degree just scares some people off.
I had my prayer time, I'm turning it over to God and I'm heading out.
Take Care and have a blessed day today. I hope you are feeling well. I prayed for you this morning. Be Blessed and be a blessing to someone today.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Good Morning
Good Morning and blessing to you and your entire household. This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it. Another beautiful day to be thankful and bless our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Gather we reverence you and worship you in spirit and in truth. Lord we welcome the presence of your Holy Spirit in our home and we thank you.
Good thoughts today. I'm preparing for the career fair for tomorrow. Making copies of my resume and getting the suit ready. I have faith this fair will work. That's how I got my first job. I also have some other leads so I just keep trying.
How's your day stacking up? I hope you are able to take charge of the things you need to do today and that you are successful in your endeavours. Nothing but good health and no headaches. Lord everyday I pray for a renewed body and good health for you. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Good Night
Yes I am going to bible study, I just wanted to say hello, before I left. I'm just wondering what God has in store for me. What I'm suppose to do. What my purpose is in life. Anyway I'm just wondering how all of this fits together. I think I'm staying on course and hoping that I'm doing something towards achieving God's will in my life.
Take Care, Be Blessed
Monday, July 18, 2005
Hello, I hope you had a good morning. God has blessed us with another day and we can rejoice and be glad in it. Blessings to you today. I thank God for sending you. A wonderful man with a prophetic voice that continues to lead the faith community. You have a good heart and your intentions are for the good of God's Kingdom. I can say these things because I believe them to be true. I believe you are a man that speaks the truth. The truth is our weapon against evil. Truth shall reign. God's word is truth. Be still and know that God is in charge. Let Him be in charge and guide me to his will. God is saying, "Be still and know that I am God".
I had some leads on a job today. I have also been working on my articles. I am staying positive and continuing to press on. I feel good about my leads and there's also a career fair this week. The battle is already won. I'm excited about my victory. Act like its done. I'm believing in this. New believers this evening. Just trying to stay focused.Creating that divine tension.
Victory for you today with the protest gathering. Victory that you will have coverage, attention and just social awareness that this is a common practice. Blessed is the name of the Lord. The truth is all we ask for. Change the injustice. Listen to the cries of the unjust. Stuff has been going on so long it seems to be the norm rather than the abnormal.
I don't know when you'll read this but I hope you are well when you do. My heart is with you, you are a formidable figure and you must continue to stand for truth and justice. That's what really should be the American way, truth and justice for all. Be blessed and have a blessed day.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Its amazing how thisz journey that I'm taking is is leading me down a very spiritual road. I'm just not about rituals and right and wrong religious practices. I want an ongoing personal relationship with God. I want to be in a church that worship's God and tries to walk the walk and talk the talk that Jesus taught us. I believe in social justice for the world. I really do want world peace. I believe in what we are doing. My prayer is that I am able to nearer and nearer and continue to have a relaxed conscious and respectful attitude towards you. I want a certain level of comfort so I try different ways to be near yet continuing to work for God. Draw me near. I hope you are saying the cancer is totally gone. No mass, no blotches, nothing. I pray every night for healing. The prayers of the faith community are true and powerful. I won't dwell on the negative. I sat there this morning waiting for service to start and wondered how we got to this point. Is it planned, is it on God's radar? Have I messed up one too many times? I pray not.
I pray that you have a restful night and continue to walk by faith. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Good Morning
Good Morning, Good Morning
Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. That song was in my head this morning.
"A cheerful heart is good medicine..." Proverbs 17:22
Take Care and have a wonderful day.
Friday, July 15, 2005
I have managed to get an entry in before the day is over completely.
I think of these as seeds of hope. I like to stay hopeful and pray that good things are being planted in us with this.
I was just thinking of Hawaii. I have never been there but I hear its beautiful. I hope to go there one day.
I'm hoping that you are feeling better. I hope something has been done or at least is scheduled to be done. I know you stay busy so try to schedule time for your healing.
This is a busy weekend but I look forward to everything planned. The summer is going by fast. I know fall will be here soon. Well. off to bed. Take care of yourself. Good night. Trust in God and his Word.
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
Thursday, July 14, 2005
How was your day today? Did you get a lot done? I know you try to stay busy and productive.
I am grateful for what God has given me and I thank him for allowing me to try and do something with the time that I have.
I'm writing a couple of articles for the praise report and I am also first reader on Sunday so I have been busy writing and reading.
I have been thinking about you and I hope you have been taking care of yourself. Doing what the doctor ordered. Taking his advice and trying to follow through as much as possible. I pray for healing. I pray that what ever is bothering you will just dissappear. Just go away. Ihope that you are able to have a restful night and wake feeling refreshed. Take Care of yourself. Know that you are loved and nothing but healing, mearcy and grace do I wish for you. You are a strong man and I know you have a good heart. Good Night. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Good Morning
Good Morning, Good Morning, we are blessed to have another day to get it right. Another day to walk with God's support. Another day to do more for the kingdom of God.
I have about six more weeks and I want to step up my efforts this week on my job hunting. Today I'm going to redesign the resume and contact some different districts. I have a positive feeling about that so I'm going to keep working on it.
I'm also going to women's workout. today and I need to go to my dad's today. I didn't go on Sunday.
God's word is alive and full of power in me. I continue to stretch my self and operate in his word. God's word is sharper than a two edged sword, and its life to my soul, healing to my flesh. I take confidence in saying that the Lord is my helper and my strength.
Have a blessed day today and be healed. Take Care.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
How are you? I hope you feeling better. I continue to pray for healing for you daily..
I went to the new believers meeting last night. I wasn't sure if I was going or not and I didn't want to say it and not show up. Always transportation concerns. Figuring out who's driving who where and in what. I was happy to be able to attend. I plan to try and attend all of the classes, that's my goal anyway.
I want to examine my walk with God and really try to challenge myself and advance towards my purpose. I want to honestly walk this path and come closer to God's purpose for me. I want to stop messing myself up and falling short of the mark. I want to love myself value my worth more. I just keep continuing to keep silent and I am relly confused about that. I want to be comfortable and relaxed with this. I know all relationships are work, even the best of them. There is no happily ever after. There is commitment to not give up and to stay the course no matter what. There is happiness in making the commitment and sticking with it. This seems like such a small thing, but really communicating is a big thing, what happens when the really big things come? Perseverence just seems to keep me going on. I wonder if you have changed directions, or given up? I know you have a lot on your mind and you are very busy and involved. I don't want to add to any discomfort or confusion for you. I want to be a positive and strong individual that you don't have to be concened about. You do wonderful things for the kingdom of God and the entire world benefits from your endeavours. You're amazing. Keep doing what you are doing. You are blessed with many gifts and you use them wisely. You get it right and you help lots of people. You have a kind spirit and strong determination. You are a treasure. Please take care of yourself. You are very much needed in this world.
OK, I've said my little bit and it sounds sad. I think when you have reflections like this they can't help but sound low. I'm not low because I know there is more out there for me to do. I'm still here and I'm still needed. Take Care and have a blessed day. Be Blessed and Be a Blessing to Someone today.
Monday, July 11, 2005
All Things Are Possible
Nothing is impossible for God. I want to reach my purpose. I don't want to dream small and I'm not going to give up or give in.
...let God be true and every man a liar... Romans3:4
God's word, spoken in my heart, is the source of my dreams. I have to believe God's word is true and that truth sets me on my purpose.
I just want to say that I will persevere, I will continue with the struggle, I will survive. I want to be mature. I want to keep walking towards the promise even when it doesnt look like the promise is still there but I will keep going towards the promise. I just keep getting up. What else can I do. Reawaken the dream, life ain't over yet. nothing is impossible for God. Nothing.
Saturday, July 9, 2005
Lord Make Me Over
Lord God in the name of Jesus we praise you and worship you. We offer up thanksgiving and praise. We thank you Lord for being near and hearing our prayers. We ask you to protect our travellers and allow no anxiety to threaten them. Lord the circumstances that have occurred on foreign soil threaten our lives daily and we petition you to stop it. We give you the power and authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions so that nothing in any way shall harm us.
Lord we shall not be afraid of the terrors in the night or the arrows by day that fly by threatening our existence. Lord we establish ourselves in righteousness and rightness. We walk by faith and not by sight. We are conqueorers in our own right. In the name of Jesus we take authority over the spirits of timidity, cowardice, and fear. Lord God grant us calm and well balanced minds and disciplined self control. Lord we rest in your everloving protection and kindness. No weapon formed against us shall prosper and we will not be defeated. We continue to have a spirit of hope and joy. We praise you from the bottom of our hearts and minds. We welcome you in our hearts, come in and take control Lord. Make us over to what you need us to be.Lord I order my thoughts, conversations and actions to show you all of the glory and honor.
I wish you a good evening and hope to see you tomorrow. God Bless you and continue to be strong magnificent force for us to recognize and follow. I thank
God for being in this faith community. I pray that you are better. That you have knowledge of your illness and what options you need to consider. My prayers are with you daily. Remember that there is always hope. Always. Be Blessed and be a blessing to someone. Take Care. My heart is with you.
Good Morning, Good Morning
God has granted me another day to get it right.
I pray that I can get it right. Prayers continually go up for your health and well being. On our knees we acknowledgethe most powerful force on earth. God hear our prayers and grant us your healing grace.
I hope your night was restful and that today is a good day for you.
Just a short note to let you know that I am thinking about you today. Take Care and Be Blessed.
Friday, July 8, 2005
Hi, I thought I would say something else since it was such a short entry earlier.
It's date night so what the heck.
Now I'm sitting here wondering what to say. I don't want to pry, I don't want to talk about you being sick all the time. I don't want to not talk about it either like its this big white elephant in the room that we just ignore. I do want to talk. That is what I want to talk about. I want to talk and that is important. Push through, demand time, make it happen. Kinda pushy, huh. We'll see.
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow. We have a praise report meeting at noon so I'll definately be in the neighborhood. I know you have lots to do and your trying to figure out what's going on with your health. I just stay prayerful and faithful in God word.
Good Morning
Good Morning, Good Morning
I thank God for this day and everyday. I thank him for making powerful and mighty changes in my life. I thank him for giving me the opportunity to praise him another day.
I pray that the results are what you want to hear and that you are content.
I'm walking by faith and not by sight. I don't know the ins and outs of everything going on but I do know that God has his hands on the outcome. I pray that you are blessed in every way.
Thursday, July 7, 2005
Prayers for you. How do we get to know the truth of the scriptures and the power of God. Through prayer and more prayers.
"Keep praying, be thankful that God's answers are wiser than your prayers." William Culbertson
"I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer." Psalm 17:6
"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track." (Proverbs 3:5,6 MESSAGE)
I called to see how you were doing today and I was told you had some test and you are waiting for the results. I didn't ask for you and they didn't offer you up either so I guess you weren't available. One of thes days I'm going to get to talk to you.
By God's grace I will live my life in love. I know that this world is unstable and we truly have no idea of our future. With terrorist and just regular stuff happening we really can't predict with too much certainty the future. One thing we can do is follow in the path of God's righteousness. So by God's grace I am going to live my life in love.
God Bless you today, I pray for relief from your symptoms and good news in the results. Lord send Jesus to bind up the heartaches and heal our pain. Lord, you sent your word to heal us and to deliver us from our own destruction. Give us your grace and faith to receive your healing and courage to trust in your love. Guard our hearts and continue to develop our trust in your power and each other. Thank you for hearing me. Thank you for showing me the path to my happiness. Take Care. Be blessed.
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Good Morning
Good Morning,thank you God for another day. What a glorious and beautiful day it is. I pray that I speak only the truth today and everyday. I want to walk in God's will. I'm back on schedule and thank you God for the small things that keep us going.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatioans 5:22-23
"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." Philippians 1:27
"And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven." Revelation 12:7-8
Victory is ours to have. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. I thank God for hishis unconditional love and I thank him for sending his Son and Friend Jesus. I ask him to bring to my rememberance the knowledge that I am an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my testimony. I know that there is life and death in the tongue and the Lord said I would eat the fruit of it so I ask my Lord and Savior to not let anything flow from my mouth that is not worthy of Him.
I can only ask to wak in the wisdom from above and to pray for guidance and mercy in my daily comings and goings. I want to develop healthy, robust, reasonable and loving relationship. I want you to have a blessed and powerful day. Walk with God and truth today and always. Take Care and strengthen yourself with God's word.
Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Hello, Hello. The holiday is over and I've returned to my regular schedule. Which at this time consist of three things; continuing to clean out the garage,job searching and organizing my closet. My daughter left around 2am this morning and my brother drove her back. She got back around 5am and called to let me know everything was ok. We just walk out on faith.
Faith. We just have to understand that through the name, power and authority it is Jesus Christ alone who makes everything successful. I just thank him for success and good news. Nothing but words of boldness, freedom and courage.
How was your day? I pray you had a good day and that your tests have nothing but good results. Nothing but good things to hear.
Take Care and have a blessed day.
Monday, July 4, 2005
Good Afternoon
I missed the morning message. I'm grateful for another glorious day . I was up early and I spent more time going over the scriptures from bible study that you gave us.
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
"...who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, throught the sacncifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.." 1 Peter 1:2-3
The word gives us conviction and we are chosen. I pray that we endure long and are patient and kind with each.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5
By God's grace I live my life in love and I know the love is not a feeling but a decision requiring action as well as words. I am a choosing to live in the light of the Father and allow him to lead me on the path of righteousness.
I am listening to Sunday's sermon now and I will be back with a new message after I listen to it.
Take Care, be blessed and enjoy your day today.
Sunday, July 3, 2005
Life is What Happens While Making Other Plans
I am anxious. I know I shouldn't be but thinking about you and what's going on with your health really worries me.
I love you, I know this is true.
I'm concerned about whats going on with you. We think we have so much time and we can delay things until later. I don't want to miss out on one more day where you are not part of my life.
I should have told you in the line. I didn't think about it then but I'm thinking about it now and I'm saying it.
I had a few minutes while at my dad's before going over my cousins for a family get together.
I pray that the symptoms are removed and that you are feeling better. Take Care of yourself. I want to know what's going on with you. Keep us informed. Be blessed and have a good evening.
Good Morning Good Morning
I just wanted to say a quick hello and God Bless this morning since I probably won't be back at the computer before you leave today. Today is Unity Sunday so I have to leave even earlier.
I pray that you have a truly successful exchange trip, and I know you will. Walking in God's word and accomplishing true unity and communication is awesome.
Be Blessed this week and enjoy your journey. Do what you need to accomplish your mission. Abiding in God's word and his strength. I will pray for you everyday. My thoughts and prayers go with you. Be blessed and be a blessing to everyone you meet. Take Care.
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Rejoice this Morning
Good Morning Good Morning
"Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God , for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing-grain offerings and drink offerings for the Lord your God." Joel 2:6
God knows us inside and out he sends his word to heal and deliver us from our own destructive behavior. I pray that God continues to be medicine to my flesh. A relief and a cure, spiritual medicine for my mind, body, and soul. I know God prepares me for change and will equip me for action. I know you have concerns of your own and your strength is a symbol for me. I know you will have lots to do in the coming days and I will continually have my thoughts and prayers with you. Know that you will come out of ever circumstance or trial through Jesus' love. Your travels will strengthen you. You have angels who are assigned to accompany, defend, and protect you and bring you home safely. You are loved and needed in this journey and know that God's will and grace goes with you. Be blessed today as you prepare for your journey. Take Care.
Friday, July 1, 2005
Good Morning
Good Morning Good Morning
This is the day that the Lord has made. Its wonderful, its beautiful, its marvelous. Let us rejoice and really be glad in it. Its a glorious day.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 2:5
Good Morning again. I pray that I speak words that comfort, encourage, strengthen, and honor you today. I pray that your strengths are developed and that weaknesses are demonstrated with a knowledge of self-control and understanding.
I hope you are feeling well this morning. I hope you have a good day and are encouraged by the wisdom of our Father, our Comforter, Counselor and Healer.
Think about good things today and rest in God's Love.
I plan to spend some time with my daughter, she came in last night. I will give the grill a good cleaning and then watch some of Wimbledon and just do nothing, the holiday weekend is here, not much business to conduct. Be Blessed today. Take Care.