Tuesday, July 12, 2005


How are you? I hope you feeling better. I continue to pray for healing for you daily..

I went to the new believers meeting last night. I wasn't sure if I was going or not and I didn't want to say it and not show up. Always transportation concerns. Figuring out who's driving who where and in what.  I was happy to be able to attend. I plan to try and attend all of the classes, that's my goal anyway.

I want to examine my walk with God and really try to challenge myself and  advance towards my purpose. I want to honestly walk this path and come closer to God's purpose for me. I want to stop messing myself up and falling short of the mark. I want to love myself value my worth more. I just keep continuing to keep silent and I am relly confused  about that. I want to be comfortable and relaxed with this. I know all relationships are work, even the best of them.  There is no happily ever after. There is commitment to not give up and to stay the course no matter what. There is happiness in making the commitment and sticking with it. This seems like such a small thing, but really communicating is a big thing, what happens when the really big things come? Perseverence just seems to keep me going on. I wonder if you have changed directions, or given up? I know you have a lot on your mind and you are very busy and involved. I don't want to add to any discomfort or confusion for you. I want to be a positive and strong individual that you don't have to be concened about. You do wonderful things for the kingdom of God and the entire world benefits from your endeavours. You're amazing. Keep doing what you are doing. You are blessed with many gifts and you use them wisely. You get it right and you help lots of people. You have a kind spirit and strong determination. You are a treasure. Please take care of yourself. You are very much needed in this world.

OK, I've said my little bit and it sounds sad. I think when you have reflections like this they can't help but sound low. I'm not low because I know there is more out there for me to do. I'm still here and I'm still needed. Take Care and have a blessed day. Be Blessed and Be a Blessing to Someone today.

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