Sunday, July 31, 2005


I had no idea where this week would lead, the beginning was shaky, the middle great, and the end reassuring. Did I pass the test? Even though I said I wouldnt write, I wrote almost everyday. I couldnt stand the pain of not writing. The only day I missed was Tuesday and I was at the recommitment. I'm not justifying the absence, but I'm just thinking that even when I said I wouldnt write, I did. I couldnt stop the one link I have with you on a daily basis. I enjoy connecting with you. I thought the doubt was over. Now it is, I'm moving forward.  I thought things should be different, I was upset that the only communication was this journal. I thought there should be more from me by now. I see now I have to embrace what I have and just keep perservering forward. I know you are going to be fine and everything is going to work out fine. I'm excited about next week, and the week after and the week after. A miracle is walking down my street.

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