Friday, February 24, 2006

Date Night

Date Night

Hello, we haven't had a real date night in a while.

I was so concerned about the picture I chose this morning. It was on my mind for the whole day.  I didnt like the picture. I liked the caption for the picture. God creating woman out of man. I thought that encapsulated the two of us. But as I looked at it the picture didnt really say that to me. Man from woman. My being was  becoming part of you . We work together as a union. We complenent each other. This picture was not saying that. Sometimes when I pick a picture I pick it for the caption before I pick it for the the actual picture.  This picture began to insuinuate a more woman working the mind of man when asleep or something like that. I just didnt feel comfortable with it. I wanted to change it this morning but I didnt have the time. It take ten minutes for me to actually log on and I had signed off, so logging on again was just not possible in the time frame I had available. I hope you didnt get  a bad impression.

Sometimes I just feel its important to get the right message across. Sometimes it is impossible to get the right nmessage across just using this.

I know that I must embrace this if I am to move forward and embrace this I will. If I am to move forward I must embrace this and embrace this I will. God wants a foundation and I will give him that. I try to give him whatever he wants. I am in the mindset of pleasing God.

What are you in the mindset for?

Well today was an interesting day. I am not looking forward to tomorrow.  Two more weeks of Saturday school and then its over. I dont think I will ever sign up for Saturday School again. Its too early and your whole day is gone. Suddenly my whole weekend is gone. Sunday I am up early too. I have not had a restful weekend.

I look forwad to this Sunday. I will not leave for a movie or anything early. I am waiting for the opportunity to be with you again.

I will embrace the opportunity to be with you  at any occasion. I have to do that. Treasure the moments. Whether big or small.

I hope you had a good day today. I hope that you are well and that everything went well today. I pray that we will be successful. I will only speak of us. Together we will survive and be successful. We cant do it alone, we can only do it together. Its only us.

Be blessed and have a blessed evening. I love you. NO picture, I dont think I could pick the right one.

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