Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. thank you for your loving kindness towards me today. You have waken me up and allowed me to start on my day. Your blessings are all around me today. Thank you for giving me a sound mind and body.  Your grace and your mercy is all around me.

I hear your words. My heart continues to be moved by your journey. God is doing a new thing in me. I see that now. I'm being molded and stretched and things are being revealed to me about myself and what I must be willing to give up freely. I am a control freak to a certain degree. We all are really. We like to orchestrate our life to have a certain level of comfort. But we cant live in that comfort.If I am to weigh my things, people and stuff in life to my relationship with God I have to choose God. My choosing of God is to understand that He is a presence and I must know that inorder to serve him I must serve others. I am inexplictly connected to you. Whether we speak, touch or even exist on the same continent, there is a bond.How we manage to control, manipulate or just let God design the union is really the key. Lord I do feel as if I'm losing ground, but I'm just losing the ability to control. I have to let go and let God. Let go and let God be in control.I let go of anything that seemed to be of importance in my life that is blocking me from where I am suppose to be with God. I'm working my way through this blockage. I'm releasing what use to be important and I am searching for what I must have and do. 

Give thanks to the LOrd, for his love endures forever. Thank you Lord.

Have a blessed day and I will continue to say I love you.

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