Friday, March 31, 2006

Good MOrning

Good Morning Lord. Thank you for your blessings. You have waken me up today and given me life one more day. Lord  I thank you for loving me so much. I love you.When I open my lips I want to rejoice in the Lord always. I commit myself to being  a good teacher. A Godly Teacher, someone who undergirds the children with truth, faith and love. I will not judge or criticize, but speak excellent and princely things concerning them. I will open my lips and positive, uplifting things will come out of it today. Its a half a day today for the students. The staff is invited to lunch at Old Country Buffett. My father calls that place, feeding at the trough. Lots of food, just not that good. Its a free lunch and good incentive to come to school. . I will be leaving today at exactly 2:45. I want to come home get a little rest and get out by 5pm so I am there when the doors open. That's my goal anyway. Thank you for bring such good, talented, people to our church. You are a man who wants to uplift and educate his people. Thank you Lord for a minister of the word who is qualified and annointed. I hope your day goes well today. I hope all things work in harmony and your concerns and interests are met with immediate answers. Have a wonderfully blessed day today. I love you.

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