Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Good Morning

Good MOrning Lord. Thank you for waking me up today Abba Father. Thank you for giving me insight into my worries and concerns Father God. Thank you for reminding me how you brought me through some mess before and you can bring me through this mess right now. Thank you for reminding me of my past and letting me know that my present is also able to be handled, managed and overcome. Thank you for loving me enough to even notice me Lord. Thank You Lord for caring. You know what the concerns of my heart are and you ease my mind in regards to them. You give me a new perspective on my situation. The same situation but just a new height to look at it from. Pick me up Daddy. Thank you for your blessings. I take no credit for any of it. If It had been left up to me I probably wouldn't even be here right now. Thank you for loving me Lord. I love you Lord. I love you.

I have to try and finish my reports today.I pray that all is well with you today. I hope you are doing bible study tonight and havent already left. But if you have I will adjust to that too. If you are traveling today, be careful. Be mindful of your surroundings. I will hope to see you this evening. Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone. I love you.

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