Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Today I am thankful for many things. I continue to know that you are the beginning and the end of my exixtence. Alfa hand Omega, without you I would not exist as I do. I thank you for everything you have done to make my life more liveable. Guide and direct me on your path. You have given me many opportunities and I don't want to blow them. I am now healing and rejuvenating so please be gentle and kind with me, I am renewing my strength as best I can this week. Yesterday was a rough day. I wasn't feeling too good, but today I feel will be a better day. No more of the nasty medication that upsets my stomach. Thank you Lord for your blessings. Lord I know that if we pray together and are will ing to stand in the gap and put a hedge of protective prayer around our house, our relationship, and our work you will encourage. We must submit to your will and be willing to stand for your principles. You are excellent and worthy to be praised. Our goal is for peace, harmony and unity within our home.

Good Morning Sweetheart, how was your day yesterday? Did you sleep well? Make sure you have something for breakfast this morning. I pray that you are healthy and alert today. You are going to get it all done and it will be wonderful. Find time to pray together. Prayer is important. I feel much better today and I am looking forward to being able to tackle my list of things to do. Have a blessed day today and be a blessing to someone.

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