Thursday, April 13, 2006


Today I got a call from the Oral Surgeon. They can put me in today because there was a cancellation. I can have these teeth out at One O'clock. That puts a hindrance on this evening though. I will have a local anesthesia, but it will depend on how I feel. With all the driving and the fact that Tomorrow and Saturday are very special days, not to mention Sunday I want to be at my best. But if its nothing too serious and I feel ok then I will be there tonight but I'm just preparing you for the fact that I may not be there tonight. I like the service, then the dinner then the prayer vigil. I will pray for a non eventful surgery and feeling better before four o clock.

I read the letter to the school and heard there was a response from the sun-times, endorsing the feelings of fear and prejudice. How can we come together if we are constantly afraid of each other and we have people who validate that fear.

Pray that all goes well and that I will be there tonight. With much love and acceptance.

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