Monday, June 19, 2006

God Wants Us to Smile


I read this cute email about why God created lightening bugs and it made me smile. It starts out with just another cute email blab blab but then the end begins to say that God sometimes just makes things for us to smile about. I thought that was so appropriate. God made us in his own image and he wants to smile so why wouldn't he make things for us to smile about. I am also watching wife swap and they have an atheist and a Christian who have switched homes. I can see things wrong in both houses.

I have been in class all day. Then I went to the library to get some books to begin my unit for the summer. Now I am baby sitting. I have homework too. I cant wait until this week is over.  What was I thinking. I could be on vacation now, but no, I'm taking a class that's a week long, with homework no less. I always try to do more. I need to just say no sometimes. That's how I got into babysitting. I began thinking about what the speaker said about children yesterday at the Father's Day service and denounced all children not born in what was considered a Godly relationship in the Old Testament and I had to believe that when Jesus came He  told us to love one another as we love our selves. I cant hate this child my daughter has bought into the world. That makes me think of all the people who are againstabortion and they wont adopt or help homeless or orphaned children. I felt there was some bigoted talk and that there wasnt all of God speaking to me. I had my grandson in my arms and he was telling me that this was an unholy union and I agree that she shouldnt have been with that boy and that they didnt need a baby but she had him and I am going to love him now that he is in the world. God says to love each other and that is what I am doing.

I look forward to some me time soon. I will be at the meeting tomorrow night. I'm interested to hear what direction this crusade is going to take. Be blessed tonight and know that i love you.

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