Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Trust and Love

Maui Sunset. Its so beautiful.

Lord I pray a prayer of overcoming feelings of abandonment. I know that you love me and I know that you care. My joy  and my heart are with you. When other people leave me and I feel unloved, I am thankful that you will never, ever leave me alone or reject me. When others have left me I am assured that you will never leave me. You will never leave me. Never, ever, never. Jesus gave his life for me. He calls me friend, he lives in my heart. When I am lonely or discouraged I know that Jesus loves me. I am thankful for that. I love to be loved. The fact that I am loved gives me strength. I will never leave, nor want to leave. I desire to be closer and closer still. Even though being closer requires me to be in danger, I desire to be closer. I want a daily walk, closer and closer. Danger will follow but I want to be closer. Assign your angels to accompany me and protect me and defend me. I am never alone. Your words say that nothing can separate me from the love of Jesus Christ- not pain, not stress, not persecution, nothing. Every circumstance is done with the love of Christ and you say you will never, ever, never, ever leave. You are concerned about the smallest of things in my life. I ask you for friends who will encourage me and help build me up, never tear me down. Teach me how to trust my special friend and to continue to love him. Teach me that the most important thing to remember is to love him and never, ever, never, ever leave him. Let him learn to trust in me as I trust in him. Teach me to love and show myself to be a friend that will stick with him through thick and thin. I love him Lord. I love him a lot. I pray for his happiness and safety daily. Protect him and return him to me safely.

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