Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Happy Tuesday!

I think the offering for Sunday is a good idea. Its so important to take it to the people. I think you have some very good ideas People need to know that you care and its not the same talk that they hear all the time. No rhetoric, no red tape, just help, direct and much needed. Go straight to the people. I just pray the people show up to give.

We are installing a ceiling fan in my bedroom. My old ceiling fan went out and we (me, my brother and anna) are trying to figure this out. We have been working on this for the past hour and a half.  Sometimes projects at home take twice as long as you think. Tomorrow we will do some lawn work. There's always something that needs to be done. Repave the driveway. Get some new outside lights. Working on curb appeal at this house. Preparing the apartments for inspection. Renting out the apartments.All of this witin the next three weeks. It can be done. 

Let me get back to work. I just wanted talk to you to let you know I was thinking about you.

Monday, July 30, 2007


I'm anxious.

I'm worried.

I'm nervous.

I'm excited about the possibilities.

I like that position, I'm excited about the possibilities.

I think I'll stay in that position. Excited about the possibilities.

I have been been asking God is there a point where this gets better?

I know it must be. 

Today was a good day. I got some things done and I will continue this week to try to get my stuff together.As best as I can possibly do that.

I do think about you. I plan for you. I make certain decisions because of you. You are important to me and you are part of my life.

It will be all right. I have to keep telling myself that. After I'm saved and schizo.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. You are special.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday's Awesome Sermon

We are children of God.

The stuff of our old nature seems to stick on us. We love God but the truth is we still love the stuff. We really do love God but we have fallen into a love affair of the stuff of the old nature. We all have an "it". We say we want to be new and a new creation, but sometimes we still flirt with our "it". We still flirt with our old stuff. Schizophrenic.

Neighbor I know you want to be new but every now and then you flirt with your "it".

Most of the shows are a triangle of cheating. Most of us are caught up in a love triangle. Our love for self, Our love of God and Our love of "it". We commit spiritual adultery.  Most of us can be candidates for the Jerry Springer show. We have two natures. The d us and the new us.  We keep trying to kill the old us but every morning the old us gets up with you. New mornings and new mercies but the old "it" gets up with you. When the shouting is over and the tears of worship is over when we get home the old you is waiting at the door. I understand when you shout and I understand the old you is waiting at the door to welcome you. When you hear Luther, stuff starts to rise up in you. We have to be very careful not to judge folks. We are all just a step away... I am asking God not to make me quick to judge. We are all just a step away from the pig's pen. We are saved and schizophrenic. In the midst of our schizo behavior, I tell you that we shall be called children of God because that is what we are. Others have called you other names and the truth is sometimes we deserved to be called those names but John says God God calls us his child. God will not quit on us. No matter how much stuff we have, how many times we backslide, God wil never quit on us. God doesn't give up on us. God thank you for never giving up on me. God pours his love on us while we are still messed up, trying to clean the mud and slime that is in us off of us. God lavishes his love on us and calls us his child, even when we are acting like his enemy. Unless you embrace what I have for you as you are, you can never embrace the victory. We don't understand yet why God loves us so much. Sometimes we have a hard time loving ourselves. How can someone like you, love someone like me? With all my stuff? Sometimes we have to go through the things that we do because God is working out the wrinkles. God is trying to make us better, we have to have some heat and try to straighten out the wrinkles. When you feel heat in your life, know that God is just trying to press out your wrinkles. How can you love me with all my wrinkles? How can you love me when I do what I don't want to do and don't do what I do want to do. God pours his love on me. I don't have to understand why God loves me so I just have to accept it. I Just Have to Accept it. That's the key to letting go of the old nature. Completing embracing the sonship and daughtership that God has given us. When we accept that he really does love me then we are able to embrace and surrender to God. We cant fight the "it" by our self. The love of God will start breaking up stuff on the inside. It wil wash stuff day in and day out. The love of God will break up stuff that has been inside of us for years. Its love that never fails. Love covers up a multitude of sin. Power wash your stuff. Some of this stuff has been building up for years. But there is power in my love that can clean up years of bad behavior that can clean up years of bad behavior. If you ever just accept how much God loves you, but if you just accept the love of God. Stop trying to be so controlled. I need you. I need you. Stop being so controlled. Let the Lord of the breakthrough love you and open up your eyes. Just surrender to him and God will just start taking stuff out of your life so that you will begin to walk just as a child of God, because that's who you really are. I am a child of God. That's who I really am.


I started talking to Helen today. I plan to call tomorrow and talk some more. We will see where this leads.

I pray that God blesses you and that you are a blessing to someone, everyone that you meet. Be blessed and be a blessing.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Good Morning


Good Morning Lord. I am thankful and grateful that I am waking up today. Each and every day brings a new chance at life more abundantly. I cast my cares and burdens to you Lord and I submit myself to the Father. I resist the cares of the world that try to pressure me daily. God sent Jesus so that I might have light and have it more abundantly. I cast my burdens on you Lord. I have the strength to overcome cares and burdens. I cast my burdens on you Lord, you will sustain me. Thank you , thank you, thank you. I rest in you.

"He has showed you, O man, what is good.

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

Gods faithfulness. What God requires of me. How has God recently shown me His faithfulness?Let me be reminded of his faithful acts in my life.

Friday, July 27, 2007

I need a hug

Touch me again

I need a hug

I need to connect

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I am waiting for his mommy to call so I can go and pick her up. We have had a full day. Grocery shopping, blockbuster, cooking meals for two days, and then just some general cleaning,. I'm tired. I'm suppose to go out with my daughter tonight. One of the artist with my summer program is having a cd release party at this lounge and I told her I wanted to go. She was so excited to have her mommy go out with her to one of her places. I'm exhausted now. The idea of being out until 4 or 5 in the morning just makes me tired thinking about it. Have I gotten that old? I guess so. The thought of being out that late does not excite me. My biggest concern is how to get my father to let us help with his hygiene. He wont do it on his own. When my brother helps then he will do it for himself so my brother thinks he doesn't need help. When I tell he to just go do it. He goes in the bathroom and doesn't do it. He just dabs and never ever ever brushes his teeth. I would do it but I think he prefers a man. I'm going to get my brother involved again. He don't care though. He just cares about himself. I have to do something, daddy's smelling and my telling him to shower or brush his teeth is not enough. It seems simple enough but its a big problem. You dont want to hurt his feelings but its like you have to let him know that we cant continue to have him be negligent with his hygiene.

Praise the Lord. Dr Kings Memorial will be finished. This I know and believe. You are the co chair for Chicago.  let justice roll....it is always the cause and not the man.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Well today was a waste.

I chalk it up to a day of rejuvenation. I did nothing productive. But then when I think about it, I did get others going. Anna went to take her test while I watched the baby. I fixed breakfast for lizzie and Dad while Liz continued to read this new Potter book in one day. She finished about two hours ago. Mom went to the doctors and got some antibiotics for her sinus infection after I told here she really needed to do something about it. I fixed her computer and basically just hung around the house. I didn't do anything for me today. Tomorrow have him again from noon til the evening. We're heading out tomorrow. I need to make my move. Put my bid in, get the ball rolling, make a step towards my future, whatever it may be. I think I will, I think I wont. Just what the heck is it going to be. I know I want to get some sleep. My sleep hours are so messed up. One thing that stays constant is when I ask God for direction its always positive in that direction. Never negative. That ought to tell me something good. just do it. Today has been TV overload. Saw Oprah, it was ok. Watched some old movies. My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Audobon Special. Now Jimmy Kimmel. Saw some CSPAN house of Representative, should we build permanent bases in Iraq--NO! That's about all for today. Let's see what tomorrow will bring. 

Good Morning

The glory of the Lord is upon us. God loves us and he dwells with his people. Thank you God for loving us enough to live within us. To be with us always. God you say go and I will be with you. We say show us, give us, and we will go.  I want a spirit controlled life. I want to be directed by the Holy Spirit and to know that I can go and move because you are with me no matter what. LORD YOU ARE A DOER OF THE WORD, IT IS YOUR OWN WORD AND YOU STAND BY YOUR WORD. IT IS YOUR WILL AND YOUR DESIRE THAT I SEEK YOUR KINGDOM FIRST. REMOVE ALL DOUBTS, KEEP ME FROM WAVERING.

Does the thought of a first hand encounter with God frighten me or attract me? God's presence is an overwhelming sense of awe. God love me. I draw near with a sincere heart. My heart is sincere. What's in my heart? I pray that I will know the Lord better and will know myself better in the process.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Good Morning


Good Morning Lord. Thank you for today. Protect me on my travels today. I rejoice that your word holds protection for me and for my family. I trust you Lord and dwell in your protection.

I urge you brothers and sisters to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ buy their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you, but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Romans 16:17-20

 That was my reading for today. Take heed not to be deceived. I pray for my church and the specific needs of people within the church. I pray for people who are often causing disharmony and discontent among people. As I write this I have a few people in mind. I pray for unity and peace. I pray that our momentary concerns are removed and we are able to find a common goal to fight for.

Have a blessed day today and be a blessing to someone today.


Monday, July 23, 2007



Good Day. Thank you Lord for another wonderful and beautiful day. Thank you Lord for waking me up today and starting me on my way, I cant make it without you and I know this.

Thank You Lord for a perfectly wonderful day. Any day when I can wake up with my senses about me and I I can worship the Lord then its a good day.

Thank you God for such a wonderful turn in for guns. We prayed for a good result but you continue to go above and beyond. Thank you for having our church the largest turn in site in the country. It just goes to show you that the prayers of a good honest man are heard and answered. You were sincere in your request and you are able to reach the people. Even though some had fear that it was a scam of some kind. They respected you enough to know that if you said it then your word was true. They trusted you and their trust was not betrayed. You are a man of your word. You don't speak for yourself but you speak for God, the one who has sent you to do his work. There is nothing false about him. I pray for wisdom as you face various obstacles. 

I have a full schedule this week. Today, clean out my dad's two apartment so we can rent them out. Tomorrow, dr appt for dad and dinner for my mother's birthday. Wednesday, nothing so far. Thurs, and Fri working on the apartments. Finding the time to get organized and make a commitment

Have a blessed day.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Sermon

I call the sermon the edited version because it was not the full service.
When I listened to the service, it was disconnected and jagged. I wanted the full experience and I was shortchanged. Now I have to listen to the service, while its in its entireties, its not the same as listening to the full service. Its just a piece of the service.An important piece but non the less only a piece. When the worship becomes a piecemeal part, its not the same. I know disappointment can paralyze you.


It's important to be able to deal with the indifference of the people.  What really matters to God the most is the pureness of our heart. What's in our heart? Because of what's in our heart, God says the pureness of our heart keeps us connected Lets take this dream that seems to have dried up like a raisin the sun go away. I will not let my disappointment pull me down. Never allow disappointment to pull me and to tabernacle me. Hold on to my vision, my dream, my heart. Because of what's in my heart I know God knows that I did well. I had to deal with that but that's not who I am. God knows who I am. I have a place in God's divine plan and divine purpose. Its a relay race. Lay the foundation. Do your part in the relay race. Do what God has called you to d, you can rejoice that I may not get there but we will get there because truth is marching on. Do what God has called you to do. Fulfill the task in the relay race. God, I understand I may not seeall that I am working for, fighting for, in my time, I will gather the materials, lay the foundation for the temple of peace, equality and justice. I just want to know that we shall get there one day. I may be disappointed but God I will not disappoint you in Jesus name. Thank You God.   


First of all I would like to talk about real disappointment and that is the inabiluity to listen to the Faith Community broadcast with out it going out every few seconds. I was appalled that listeners around the country and the world can not listen without having the sound fade in and out every few seconds. How is this still a problem,.

Seems to me you could call Comcast and the problem would be solved but you continue with someone who does not have the expertise to end the problem. Why dont you try to atleast have a solid continual broadcast that comes across live? I know the people in the city can actually be there but what about the people around the globe? Why do we continue to have such difficulty on the web? I am baffled that this is still a problem after so many years. It leads me to believe that you dont care about the web broadcast. Many people would love to hear it in its entirity instead of pieces. 'Why wont you just hire professionals, Comcast, and get it done, whats the problem. whats the delay?  Sometimes you have to pay a little more to get what you really need.

Where was I today? Where was I yesterday? Does it matter to you? Am I disappointed, depressed, disillusioned, deprived, and demeaned? What is wrong with me today? Why didn't I write yesterday and why didn't I go to church today? Do I have to have something major wrong with me? My first inclination was that I was tired, the baby was with cold and I thought it would be best if I stayed home. Why didn't I write? That's something else going on. When I half listened to you today,, not because I wasn't trying, I found a feeling of disappointment.
What was thought to be good, was not so good. I am disappointed. Nothing is going the way I thought it would go. My life is definitely not where I thought or wanted it to be at this point but I still have hope. God told me to hope and I still have hope. So I hope. I thank God for his blessings and I give thanksgiving and praise. I see that it is on now so I WILL LISTEN, THANK YOU FOR THE EDITED VERSION.

Friday, July 20, 2007


We hope and hurt the most about important relationships with people who matter the most to us. When a special relationship is hanging by a slender thread we are often at a loss to know what to say or what to do. We struggle to find the words to say and the thing to do that will make it better. We hope and we hurt. Do we share what's going on inside even f it shows we are weak and struggling? Do we want others to see our weakness?  Real relationships are about struggle. They are not perfect. Trust becomes a valuable factor in a relationship. If we spill our our soul. tell the truth, reveal ourselves then possibly we are able to love. Sometimes even when you have been the leader, people will reject you and still love you. I fell out with my artist but I still respect her talent. I tried to create community. I failed. I have to move forward. Everybody does not have to agree all the time. Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Good Night

Today I walked by faith. I listened to your faith cd today. This was the Sunday when Ebert and his wife Chaz was there. My faith walk. My renewal of faith. I listened to it while I was going and coming home from work today. It really helped me get through the day and encourage me to move on faith. Move toward my purpose. Tomorrow is the last day for this program and I pray that all goes well.  I'm so tired nowe. Its been a long day. The parents came today and it was presentation day. That didnt go as well as I would have liked. My artist and I had different ideas about the way things should go. When I get home, the baby is there because its Thurs, I forgot, so I'm babysitting. Then my friend from the city comes out and gets her hair cut so we spend some time together catching up. I dont get home until 11 pm. Now I'm watching Oprah before I go to bed. I dont watch her show that often. I am signing off now. Good Night.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Father God I thank you for loving me and letting me love you. Thank you God for giving me the intellgence and wisdom to love you. Thank you for your blessings. I pray that I am making a good decision. I wonder if I should go to the job fair on Friday, just in case, am I standing on faith if I do that. I havent talked to Helen, I dont know if this is going to work but I am stepping out on faith. What am I doing. Thank you Lord that I am willing to be faithful. Thank you. I love you.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Trinity


I pray that you have had a good day today. I am exhausted. We had so much to do with the children. Two more days and its over. Then on break for a month.

I heard yesterday that one of our students was held up at gun point by another child. When he got off the bus at his school some pointed a gun to his head and stole his gold chain and cell phone. Praise the Lord that they didnt take his life. We told him he can replace all of that but there is no way we can replace him. He was a young latino student and he thinks it was a gang member. These children are in a war zone right now. They cant even walk home from the bus without being robbed or threatened.

We have to protect our selves daily. Pray, pray, pray. We need to get the guns out of the young peoples hands.  There should not be a gun in a young person's hand. The accessibility is just too much. Thank God you and other place are having a gun turn-in this Saturday. Awareness is so important.

We have to love ourselves enough to say I will not harm you, I will not say things that are hurtful and I will treasure life. My life, Your life and anyone else who might be in danger. Love ourselves enough to say it matters how I feel about me. We have to work hard to get our children to love themselves.

I dont want drift away. To cause any separation or distance between us. Have a good night sleep and be well rested for your tomorrow. 

Monday, July 16, 2007

Good Morning


good Morning Lord., Thank you for today. Thank you for all that you are doingin my life I will trusdt youto lead me down your path and to be a part of your world/ Allow me to travel safe today. Let everyone on the road have safe travels today. Thank you Lord. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone special.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Waiting and Trusting

I know that waiting is hard. I am the worst. I can't wait for Christmas to come. I want to open the present up as soon s I see it. I have learned to wait to open the present because if I don't then I don't have anything for Christmas that's new and wonderful. I cant do this without you. I know I am suppose to stay strong but I get weak, sometimes my faith and trust aren't strong, sometimes. Sometimes I need to know you need me, you love me and yo<SPAN id=sp-10 title=" want, wants, unwanted, wan, quaint, quanta, walnut" style="BACKGROUND: url(undefinedimages/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000" _backupTitle="null"> me. Sometimes I need to know that I am not just believing in something that is a big dream. We are the only two that know this dream and can make it come true. Sometimes I don't believe this dream. Sometimes I just want to say to you slow down, notice me, take a minute for me and you, then go back to saving the world. Take a minute just for me and you, but then it sounds selfish. I have to share you, I come last. its not about me. I have to step up and get what I need. Just wait, just wait.So I wait. Now is not the right time. Just wait. it will be all right. My plan, again, my plan, is to pay my bills (credit cards) and to just have my mortgage and living expenses so that I can come and work for you. Work at the school. I wanted to talk to Helen about the assistant minister of education position. I didn't see her today. I didn't want to tell you, but then I thought today was very emotional and there needed to be some indication that I am trying to move to a closer position. Maybe a day to day experience would make a difference. Something has to make a difference. I'm trying to change the situation. I don't really know what else to do. I just keep waiting. No one can make this work but us.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


What a good day.

Got a good nights sleep.

Made breakfast for everyone

Got my nails done - manicure and pedicure

paid some bills

Have to go to a birthday party to pick up my dad later tonight

So far its been a good day. Nothing too difficult.

Prepare for tomorrow, and then I just have one more week left of summer schooll.

Thank You Jesus. I just have to stay focused for alittle while longer. I can do it I can make it .One day at a time, One step at a time.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Good Night

Good Morning


Good Morning Lord. Thank you for loving us and giving us your guidance. Thank you for your comfort during our time of loss. Father we come boldly to your throne with our sorrow, weaknesses and infirmities. Restore us O God Almighty. Watch over us. Revive us. Do not keep silent. Don't turn your back on us. Show forgiveness and mercy.  Stay with us in our battle.

Give me srength and foresight to meet the challenges of today. What was suppose to be a relaxing time has turned into a chore. One more week. Enjoy your time. Plan wisely. Keep the faith. Keep the faith. Have a blessed day today. Be a blessing to someone special. I wonder if this really matters anymore. Have we shifted our values?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Thank you for today.

Yesterday was a struggle. I wasn't feeling well but I still went along with my day. Please forgive me for not writing yesterday.  I wasn't feeling well. I am dealing with many things and I am working to keep my faith strong and my feelings of rejection low.

I wish I had more time but travel times are up so I have to try and leave as soon as possible. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. Encourage someone today. Be a model for good behavior today. Take radical authority over your situation.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Give us this day

Give us this day

Our daily bread

This day is almost over.

God has never seen the righteous forsaken. I do the best I can with what I have to work with. I may not know everything but this is the best I can do right now.

Tomorrow we are going on our field trip to the Freedom Museum. Then we will check out the cool globes while having lunch. Its our onkly field trip so I'm looking forward to it. I have to remember to bring my coolers.

Have a good evening and be a blessing to someone special.

Good Night

Monday, July 9, 2007

Good Night

Thank you Lord for a good day. Any day is a good day as long as I am here to continue working to make it better. I pray for a good nights sleep. I havent had one for a while now. There is so much on my mind. I pray for guidance, love and understanding. I thank you Lord for being willing to keep me in your wings. I am counting down the days.

I pray that everything is going well for you. I know you have a lot going on and you are busy trying to keep everything in order. Take care of your self. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.  

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Righteous Anger

Have my emotions gotten the better of me? God, have I gotten to the end of my rope? my concerns about the children and what I can do to help. My own decisions about my life. The choices I have made and the results of those choices. I thought I was ready to ask for that job and I changed my mind. Will I ask? Am I really ready to make that commitment? Is that infidelity Lord? One day its yes, yes, and then its, uh maybe. Let's have some consistency. This has bee a rough summer. I'm sure I have cost myself more by refusing to be intimidated by that driver. All ready insurance companies are calling. I have to make a decision about the job, and do it soon. That means I have to rent the two apartments. No matter what. Check on the math course. Find out about the type 75 classes. Get rid of my agenda and get God's agenda.  Restructure and relocate. Make some decisions and follow through. Make some decisions.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. Promising yet dangerous beginnings. Some things seem to be in a lull where we have established a routine that just keeps things flowing the same way.  It's a beautiful day and I plan to enjoy it. God woke me up this morning. I watched Venus win. I will have transportation on time today. My day is going just fine. I look forward to hearing what the youth have to say about violence. I pray that they are not just generalizing everything and that some specific, focused, thoughts will come out of this.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Central Time

Its still Friday.

I didnt miss a day

Look at me bringing most of my family out.Even my daughters half sister. She's staying with us for ten days. Whats up with that. Her mom has kept the girls for many summers so I agreed to keep her for ten days this summer. Her mom deserves a much needed break. Who wouldnt need one from a fifteen year old.They can be so moody. We're still in the honeymoon stage so she is still nice to me. I dont want to get to know her very well so that we stay in the nicey nicey stage. She is a nice girl and thats the image I want to keep.

What a beautiful night. The weather was great, the music was good and the evening went very well. This was the most people I think I have seen at a Jazz in the park. More people are turning out for the events. My goal is to attend the teen summit tomorrow. Logistically we have to work out the car situation.

I did not dress dad tonight. I see that maybe I should have. When I told him to change his shirt he decided to just keep on a tee shirt. Bad choice. I didnt want to embarrass him anymore so I let it go. Never again. I have to make the choices for him.

How was your day today. He told me you were on the news today. I missed it.  At least somebody saw it.

I'm tired, its been a long week. Good Night. 

Thursday, July 5, 2007


The good news is that no one was hurt. The bad news is I was in a car accident. It was not my fault, the guy was trying to scam me into giving him money on the spot, but I was still the one who got the ticket. The police said I should have taken the guys offer. Now I know why they are more willing to take a bribe. The first thing out of his mouth is I should have paid him fifty dollars. Enough said about that. Court date in August.

I just ask God for guidance, if I pay, I pay, but I was not going to just give that guy some money.

I know this is going to be good week. I will stay positive and focused.  Have a blessed evening and be a blessing to someone.


Good Morning

Thank You God for today. Thank you for being you. Today will be a good day. Any meetings and conferences will go well and be positive forces in our lives. No intimidations or negative misgivings. Let those who are suppose to be here be here. Thank you for your support. Thank you for success today. Traveling mercies for all on the road, in  the air and water.  Let her arrive safely and let her visit be positive.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Secret

I was still thinking about this book that I had hastily dismissed as something clanish or cultish.

I went back and did more research on it since it was on my mind. I found out that visualization and positive thinking were at the base of this secret thing. The secret has also helped many people see themselves into a better life.

The initial trailer looked very mystical and dark. This reminded me of the Da vinci Code and I thought it was something similar to that. The power of positive thinking and proper visualization techniques are good habits to develop. When I saw the get rich part of it I began to think of it as a scheme. Many celebrities have endorsed it and Oprah has even thrown her hat into the ring. Well if Oprah says its OK then there must be some merit to it. I'm intrigued enough to look further. Maybe I'll order the book and movie.

Have a good night.

Good Morning

Good Morning. Happy Fourth!

Thank you God for everything you have done and are planning to do in my life. Thank you for your protection and your love. Thank you for giving me hope when I think it is hopeless. Hope for the hopeless. Can these bones live?  the answer is for sure they can. Sometimes we know that God can do all things, God can save us, restore us and renew us, but the challenge is believing that He will. The promise of a new life through rebirth. Birthing a new life. Going through the labor. Staying with the process.Birthing a new life. Keeping the faith to believe in it. To live by it and to hope for it,.  

What's on the agenda for today? A gathering, then home to get ready for tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

It is about me


Sometimes I think its not about me. Its about someone else. But then I think about it on Monday and Tuesday and the sermon hits me about me. Then it becomes me.


So I ask God what is the problem with me.

What is it that I see in him that is restrictive and maybe not welcoming in my eyes.

It became clearer when I thought about it more and couldn't come up with the words to express what was going in my life. I began to feel; that I was morally conflicted. I had a  moral and spiritual leader who was now someone that I loved in a different way. Could he still be my moral and spiritual leader and be my lover and husband? Well, it was a challenge that we would try. Years have past and he has been able to stay the course. I began to challenge him when he hit the mark with what was going on with me. I felt I could no longer accept his judgment because  I  knew he was also in love so I felt his judgment was impaired by his love. Yet he continued to hit the mark, so God was in the picture. How do I face my problem. I felt like I was being watched on every area, I felt that it didn't matter, I didn't have anything to hide and I wasn't trying to hide anything. I was open and ready for confrontation..  What to do, what to do. How do I confront the problem an still overcome it?  I wish you were coming to this barbecue tomorrow. I hope that on Friday you will dance with me. I need so time with you. To talk to you, just you and me. I need so alone time, but that never seems possible. Sunday is not the day., If only, IF ONLY.

Well that's all that's on my mind right now. Be blessed and have a good evening. 

Good Morning

Good Morning Father God. Good Morning. Come back to me. Return to the Lord. Like a jealous lover God want us to return to Him. Return to me and I will return to you.  When I feel distant from the Lord what makes me want to return to His love and care? How have I drifted and sinned? How do I experience continual faithfulness in the eyes of God? Help me define the areas I need to return my focus and love for God in. Thank you Father God for forgiveness and love. Help me to identify my sins and to sin no more. Keep me on track. Return to me and I will return to you. Come into my heart Lord.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning Lord. I pray that I am able to follow your instructions for today. I pray that doing the right thing will be more than a slogan or cheap talk. I want to make it a way of life. God you have placed me in a position to do your will and I know that the request is within the right context, its reasonable, its risky, its necessary. What character qualities must I exhibit in order to do the right thing? Obeying God's call in my life means taking a risk and facing difficulty in an area where I have been before. Humility to do the just that. The will and purpose to know that if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I will be OK with whatever the results are. But at least I tried and really gave it my all. God help me make this decision. Help me make the right decision.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Mind, Soul and Body

Thank You Lord for today. I have been challenged today. I know that have many things to continue to work on. I'm not perfect. I do know that I will continue to work on those thing. I know that I have been called on and mobbed by many different demands lately. God I ask you to help me take care of myself while I am taking care of others.  Let me not take offense to everything, keep me focused and on task for you Lord.