Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Secret

I was still thinking about this book that I had hastily dismissed as something clanish or cultish.

I went back and did more research on it since it was on my mind. I found out that visualization and positive thinking were at the base of this secret thing. The secret has also helped many people see themselves into a better life.

The initial trailer looked very mystical and dark. This reminded me of the Da vinci Code and I thought it was something similar to that. The power of positive thinking and proper visualization techniques are good habits to develop. When I saw the get rich part of it I began to think of it as a scheme. Many celebrities have endorsed it and Oprah has even thrown her hat into the ring. Well if Oprah says its OK then there must be some merit to it. I'm intrigued enough to look further. Maybe I'll order the book and movie.

Have a good night.

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