Monday, July 23, 2007



Good Day. Thank you Lord for another wonderful and beautiful day. Thank you Lord for waking me up today and starting me on my way, I cant make it without you and I know this.

Thank You Lord for a perfectly wonderful day. Any day when I can wake up with my senses about me and I I can worship the Lord then its a good day.

Thank you God for such a wonderful turn in for guns. We prayed for a good result but you continue to go above and beyond. Thank you for having our church the largest turn in site in the country. It just goes to show you that the prayers of a good honest man are heard and answered. You were sincere in your request and you are able to reach the people. Even though some had fear that it was a scam of some kind. They respected you enough to know that if you said it then your word was true. They trusted you and their trust was not betrayed. You are a man of your word. You don't speak for yourself but you speak for God, the one who has sent you to do his work. There is nothing false about him. I pray for wisdom as you face various obstacles. 

I have a full schedule this week. Today, clean out my dad's two apartment so we can rent them out. Tomorrow, dr appt for dad and dinner for my mother's birthday. Wednesday, nothing so far. Thurs, and Fri working on the apartments. Finding the time to get organized and make a commitment

Have a blessed day.

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