Saturday, October 27, 2007

Giving Offerings

Father God I give offerings according to the Holy Spirit. I give with a generous and willing heart. Lord, I know that he who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

As a giver I make up my own mind and I give purpose in my heart that I shall not be reluctant to give, I will not do it under impulse or compulsion but I will take pleasure in giving and do it with a joyful heart. I love, I prize in it about other things, I am unwilling to abandon or to do without the ability to give.

Father God I thank you that you are able to give every favor and earthly blessing to me in abundance. I know that all my needs are met. Under all circumstances and whatever the need is, I possess enough grace to not require any additional aid, support or donation.

Father God I thank you for food, clothing and shelter. Christ Jesus I will not be anxious for anything. I will not worry about what I shall drink, eat or where I will lay my head. Together Lord we will survive in abundance and quality.

I will not rest in idleness. I will declare your authority in my life through the Word. Father God I will not eat the bread of gossip, discontent and self-pity. I will give generously and life with your purpose in my heart and out of my mouth. I will conduct my affairs with justice and when I lack wisdom, I will seek you Father God. You will guide and give wisdom in my darkest hour. I delight in your Word and your Will.

Be blessed today my love and be courageous. God Loves You and So Do I.

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