Friday, October 19, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning Father God. Today is Friday and all I can say is thank God its Friday. This week has been long and challenging so I am giving you the glory that I have completed with a sound mind and body. I am learning two new programs at school and I have been out at workshops most of the week. Lord you see the struggle that I am having with that 6/7 split class. The maturity level is very low. The challenges still remain. I have managed to get better control over the other two classes. The fact that I have had two observations this week worries me. Both of them were informal and unannounced but what does that mean. I haven't been debriefed on anything about the observations. I don't know what's going on with that. Now Lord I have been told if I want to go to the classroom management workshop I have to pay first then they will reimburse me. Fine, I will pay first but why tell me I can go and you will pay then wait to the last week and then tell me I have to pay first. I said fine Ill pay. I think they didn't want me to go really. Tell me I am the worst at something and I will do everything in my power to fix it. Now they think I have better control and don't need to really go. Baloney. I'm going and I will pay for it. I'm still struggling with classroom management. Thank God for Professional Development Days. Thank God for pay days so I can pay for the workshop. I will improve this classroom management thing. I know it requires lots of rules and procedures. I need to follow through on threats and keep better structure and routines. Stop yelling, which I have done better at the yelling. But I am challenged with the structure because I am out so much with training for the new science program. Today its training for the new reading program. Everybody has a new way to teach our under privileged students. I pray that they work. Our students need a chance. Father God I pray that it does work. That you allow the students to open their hearts and minds to learning a new way. Open the teachers hearts and minds to a new way of teaching. Glory be to God, today, yesterday and forever.

Have I been attentive to you? Have I given you what you need? Am I paying attention to you? Trying to manage my time and split it between home, work, church, I am wondering if I have done a good job. God has directed me to Luke 16.

What strikes me about this is the fact that its about money. Its about a worker who's about to be let go and then decides to plan strategically  for his future.  Whoever is trustworthy with little can also be trusted with a lot. We cannot serve two masters. We will love one and hate the other. This is the choosing part. Have I chosen wisely in my decision making this week. Am I pleasing God? What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight. Am I making good decisions?

I mourn that ten year old that was shot this week. I saw a picture of the mother just sitting at the sight where he was shot, rocking in the rain. I could feel her pain. How is it that we have no control over this?  Senseless killings.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.

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