Monday, June 30, 2008

Don't Accept Defeat

Stand up on God's Word and fight for your life. Don't just sit there and give in.

Get mad at Satan and let him know that you are mad. Do not give up or give in. Don't just sit there make something happen.

We can't even say what the problem is. What is the reason for the discourse. It is many things and it is nothing. But none the less it is there. Fight for the relationship. Fight for your health and happiness. Fight for your life. Fight for our children. Fight for a better life. Fight for peace on earth. Fight for what you believe in.

I will be volunteering to paint tomorrow from 12-5 at my school so I don't think I will be at the word in the park. I'm sorry I have to miss it. I know it will be a powerful word for the youth.

Take Care of yourself. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.

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