Sunday, June 15, 2008


How's you day going?

Happy Father's Day.

I pray that all is well with you.

I know you are looking forward to tomorrow. The Shepard comes back to the sheep.

This has been a long two weeks, but none the less you have made it through.

I knew you were close but I didn't know you were that close.

What a night it was on Friday.

I pray that as the summer heats up more children will come. The fact that they had only gotten out that day, I don't think they were ready to find any activities to occupy their time just yet. Wait till next week.

My computer has been acting up lately. I just have to remember that I am not the only one on my computer.The girls are on it because its so convient.

I am so glad that school is out. This week I have PD every day. My real break doesn't begin until next week. At least Friday is a half day.

My summer is so short. I wonder what the kids will do since they are coming back so early. Where will they get their supplies and stuff? August 5th is just six weeks away.

What about us? Another summer is here. Will we see improved communications. I pray that we do. Will we have Jazz in the Park? Will we go to the lakefront? Life is so short.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone.

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