Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Don't Hesitate

Praise the Lord this wonderful and glorious morning. Dont hesitate to do something that God told you to do. Being indecivise all the time creates an unstable and unreliable person. Uncertainty rules the way you think, feel and how you decide to make any decision. Receive the man of God in your life. Trust God to know that who ever He sends in your life, is a man of God.  Receive who God has sent to you.

Who am I to judge a servant of God? Receive the servant as if it were Jesus himself. Dont let criticism hold back the annointing of God. People are going to talk. Opposition from the outside is inevitable.

When the enemies come against you to tear you down, they start off small and in seeing that your faith is strong and your continued working towards a goal have not faltered, then they decide to bring out the heavy stuff. But GOD knows our heart and when we stand to rebuild the wall, to reestablish the love and communication, then God is with us. If God is with us then who can be against us. I love the fact that I have to remind my self to let someone else take care of me for a change. What does that feel like.? I dont know but I'm sure going to find out.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.

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