Friday, October 10, 2008

Never Underestimate the Power Of Your Prayers

We are so desperately in need of God's guidance. If our children continue on the path that they have, at the end of this school year we could have over ninety children killed by gunfire. NINETY. That's just ridiculous. We have to do something, something better, something to make these children learn to talk to each other again. Most of us are overwhelmed by the problems and think that there is nothing we can do but pray. But prayers work. Action is also good. Faith without works is dead. Our prayers are powerful and we have to remember the power of prayer and the strength in believing in our prayers. We have to pray for those in authority, those who are dying and those doing the killings.

We cannot be a church that protest the killings and when the reality of a death occurs we cant turn our backs on the family and say no about the funeral in our church. Evidence of the horrible tragedy is around us every day. I don't want to be a church that just talks about the problem but doesn't really help the people involved. We must be doers of the Word.

I think that Jennifer Holiday and Jennifer Hudson say it best for me"...And I am telling you, I'm not going nowhere, your the best man I have ever known and I am staying, staying, staying, and you are going to love me..." On that note I will say goodnight.

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