Monday, August 13, 2007


I wanted to say something to you and I went to my bible to find out how to say it.

Come back to me and I will come back to you. That's where I landed and that's what I have to say. Come back to me and I will come back to you. That's in Zechariah.

That's it.

Get my priorities straight.

Tomorrow I have to go back to Mason. The new principal will be there and I have to finish the arts integration project with the artist. He is back in town and wants to finish it up before the school year starts. That works for me because I want to be done with any obligations to Mason. I have continued to have this attitude that everything will be all right and I haven't been worried about a job but the reality is I should. What if I don't get hired by any of the schools I have spoken with? I should have been more aggressive. Now I am second guessing myself. I will continue to believe that it will be alright. I cant sweat it now. Everything will be just fine.

That's the one phrase we all have to remember. Everything will be just fine. Your jail stuff. Everything will be just fine. The structure of the building. Everything will be just fine. Any and everything that you are concerned about, everything will be just fine. Me, everythin will be just fine.

Have a good night and now I pray that you are able to sleep again because everything will be just fine. Be blessed and be a blessing. I love you.

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