Sunday, August 5, 2007

What a Blessing

Thank you Father God that we were able to bless others and in doing that we received a blessing. It was hard for people to take us seriously. Some folks just walked away from us thinking we were being sneaky or dishonest. What a blessing we were to one lady who answered her doorbell. Really her children just looked out the window and we told them to get mommy. We told her we had a blessing from St. Sabina if she would just step outside. I left out with 150.00. I had sixty left and I just keep asking God to lead me to someone. When she came out I gave the whole sixty to her. Others began to give to her. She must have gotten a few hundred. I believe that was where we were suppose to be. We prayed over her, prayed with her and she cried, we cried and it was just beautiful. That one really blessed me.

:Last time we did this I just went to the senior building and knocked on a door and gave it to the person who answered. This was far better. Letting them know who we are and where they can reach us by giving them the cards was good. Inviting them to our church and welcoming them into the faith community. What a good day. Taking back the community. Letting those that seek to divide know that we are strong and we are united.

I plan to be there tomorrow for your court date. Might have to bake you a cake with a file or something in it.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

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