Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday Night

God help us. Here we are worried about miners in a cave in Utah. The space shuttle now has the same problem as the one that before. When do we learn from <SPAN id=sp-6 title=" amour, our, amours, Agoura, sour, aura, gaur" style="BACKGROUND: url(undefinedimages/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000" _backupTitle="null"> mistakes? I know we aren't perfect but do we ever stop making the same mistakes. Sometimes mistakes are just going to be made. I read the stories about these two incidents and the blogs that accompanied them. So many people seem to think that prayer doesn't work, isn't necessary, its of no use. I cant believe there are so many people who don't believe. Then I remember, I was one too. I still falter in my faith and it is a constant walk. But to read stuff where people are saying don't pray for the miners, don't pray for the space shuttle. That's just wrong.

Well enough of my wanderings. I didn't go to the party tonight. I will be at church tomorrow. Life is good. Thank You God for loving me.

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