Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Hello Hello

Today I have been prayerful about my decisions for the future.

God has allowed me to think about my relationship with my church life and my family life. My work life and my social life. I can think about combining all of that into one or try to separate it. I think I must believe that the gospel transforms all aspects of my life. It must not be separate. As I talk to God about my decision to continuously draw closer, I know that I have to be more child like and more trusting. I have no illusions that it is all easy. I do know that following  the gospel leads to tough decisions. Leaving one thing to pick up another is important. I'm just really prayerful today. I want to make the best decision for God. I want to continue to always worship God in Spirit and in Truth. May my source of my livelihood always be honorable and secure. Uplifting God and and living in accordance to his Word. I give glory, honor and truth to God. I make no assumptions about anything. I take nothing for granted and I always pray for God to guide me and direct my steps.

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